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225 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import sys, os
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', 'library'))
import common, board_cfg_lib, lib.error, lib.lib
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import combinations
def get_native_valid_irq():
This is get available irq from board info file
:return: native available irq list
val_irq = []
irq_info_lines = board_cfg_lib.get_info(common.BOARD_INFO_FILE, "<AVAILABLE_IRQ_INFO>", "</AVAILABLE_IRQ_INFO>")
for irq_string in irq_info_lines:
val_irq = [int(x.strip()) for x in irq_string.split(',')]
return val_irq
def alloc_irq(irq_list):
irq = irq_list[0]
remove_irq(irq_list, irq)
return irq
except IndexError as e:
raise lib.error.ResourceError("Cannot allocate legacy irq, the available irq list: {}, {}".format(e, irq_list)) from e
def remove_irq(irq_list, irq):
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError("Cannot remove irq:{} from available irq list:{}, {}". format(irq, e, irq_list)) from e
def create_vuart_irq_node(etree, vm_id, vm_type, vuart_id, irq):
allocation_vm_node = common.get_node(f"/acrn-config/vm[@id = '{vm_id}']", etree)
if allocation_vm_node is None:
allocation_vm_node = common.append_node("/acrn-config/vm", None, etree, id = vm_id)
if common.get_node("./vm_type", allocation_vm_node) is None:
common.append_node("./vm_type", vm_type, allocation_vm_node)
if common.get_node(f"./legacy_vuart[@id = '{vuart_id}']", allocation_vm_node) is None:
common.append_node("./legacy_vuart", None, allocation_vm_node, id = vuart_id)
common.append_node(f"./legacy_vuart[@id = '{vuart_id}']/irq", irq, allocation_vm_node)
def assign_legacy_vuart_irqs(vm_node, legacy_vuart_id, irq_list):
legacy_vuart_node_irq_text = common.get_node(f"legacy_vuart[@id = '{legacy_vuart_id}']/irq/text()", vm_node)
legacy_vuart_irq = ''
if legacy_vuart_node_irq_text == 'COM1_IRQ' or legacy_vuart_node_irq_text == 'SOS_COM1_IRQ' \
or legacy_vuart_node_irq_text == 'COM3_IRQ' or legacy_vuart_node_irq_text == 'SOS_COM3_IRQ':
legacy_vuart_irq = '4'
if legacy_vuart_irq in irq_list:
remove_irq(irq_list, legacy_vuart_irq)
elif legacy_vuart_node_irq_text == 'COM2_IRQ' or legacy_vuart_node_irq_text == 'SOS_COM2_IRQ' \
or legacy_vuart_node_irq_text == 'COM4_IRQ' or legacy_vuart_node_irq_text == 'SOS_COM4_IRQ':
legacy_vuart_irq = '3'
if legacy_vuart_irq in irq_list:
remove_irq(irq_list, legacy_vuart_irq)
legacy_vuart_irq = alloc_irq(irq_list)
return legacy_vuart_irq
def alloc_legacy_vuart_irqs(board_etree, scenario_etree, allocation_etree):
native_ttys = lib.lib.get_native_ttys()
hv_debug_console = lib.lib.parse_hv_console(scenario_etree)
vm_node_list = scenario_etree.xpath("//vm")
for vm_node in vm_node_list:
vm_type = common.get_node("./vm_type/text()", vm_node)
irq_list = get_native_valid_irq() if vm_type == "SOS_VM" else [f"{d}" for d in list(range(1,15))]
legacy_vuart_id_list = vm_node.xpath("legacy_vuart[base != 'INVALID_COM_BASE']/@id")
legacy_vuart_irq = ''
for legacy_vuart_id in legacy_vuart_id_list:
if legacy_vuart_id == '0' and vm_type == "SOS_VM":
if hv_debug_console in native_ttys.keys():
if native_ttys[hv_debug_console]['irq'] < LEGACY_IRQ_MAX:
legacy_vuart_irq = native_ttys[hv_debug_console]['irq']
if legacy_vuart_irq in irq_list:
remove_irq(irq_list, legacy_vuart_irq)
legacy_vuart_irq = assign_legacy_vuart_irqs(vm_node, legacy_vuart_id, irq_list)
raise lib.error.ResourceError(f"{hv_debug_console} is not in the native environment! The ttyS available are: {native_ttys.keys()}")
legacy_vuart_irq = assign_legacy_vuart_irqs(vm_node, legacy_vuart_id, irq_list)
create_vuart_irq_node(allocation_etree, common.get_node("./@id", vm_node), vm_type, legacy_vuart_id, legacy_vuart_irq)
def get_irqs_of_device(device_node):
irqs = set()
# IRQs in ACPI
for res in device_node.xpath("resource[@type='irq']"):
irqs.update(set(map(int, res.get("int").split(", "))))
# PCI interrupt pin
for res in device_node.xpath("resource[@type='interrupt_pin']"):
irq = res.get("source", None)
if irq is not None:
return irqs
def alloc_device_irqs(board_etree, scenario_etree, allocation_etree):
service_vm_id = -1
irq_allocation = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: [])) # vm_id -> irq -> [device]
# Collect the list of devices that have to use INTx, excluding legacy UART which is to be emulated.
device_nodes = set(board_etree.xpath("//device[count(resource[@type='irq' or @type='interrupt_pin']) > 0 and count(capability[@id='MSI' or @id='MSI-X']) = 0]"))
uart_nodes = set(board_etree.xpath("//device[@id='PNP0501']"))
device_nodes -= uart_nodes
# Identify the interrupt lines each pre-launched VM uses
for vm in scenario_etree.xpath("//vm"):
vm_type = vm.find("vm_type").text
vm_id = int(vm.get("id"))
if lib.lib.is_pre_launched_vm(vm_type):
pt_intx_text = common.get_node("pt_intx/text()", vm)
if pt_intx_text is not None:
pt_intx_mapping = dict(eval(f"[{pt_intx_text.replace(')(', '), (')}]"))
for irq in pt_intx_mapping.keys():
irq_allocation[vm_id][irq].append("(Explicitly assigned in scenario configuration)")
for pci_dev in vm.xpath("pci_devs/pci_dev/text()"):
bdf = lib.lib.BusDevFunc.from_str(pci_dev.split(" ")[0])
address = hex((bdf.dev << 16) | (bdf.func))
device_node = common.get_node(f"//bus[@address='{hex(bdf.bus)}']/device[@address='{address}']", board_etree)
if device_node in device_nodes:
irqs = get_irqs_of_device(device_node)
for irq in irqs:
# Raise error when any pre-launched VM with LAPIC passthrough requires any interrupt line.
lapic_passthru_flag = common.get_node("guest_flags[guest_flag='GUEST_FLAG_LAPIC_PASSTHROUGH']", vm)
if lapic_passthru_flag is not None and irq_allocation[vm_id]:
for irq, devices in irq_allocation[vm_id].items():
print(f"Interrupt line {irq} is used by the following device(s).")
for device in devices:
raise lib.error.ResourceError(f"Pre-launched VM {vm_id} with LAPIC_PASSTHROUGH flag cannot use interrupt lines.")
elif lib.lib.is_sos_vm(vm_type):
service_vm_id = vm_id
# Detect interrupt line conflicts
conflicts = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: set())) # irq -> vm_id -> devices
# If a service VM exists, collect its interrupt lines as well
if service_vm_id >= 0:
# Collect the interrupt lines that may be used by the service VM
for device_node in device_nodes:
acpi_object = device_node.find("acpi_object")
description = ""
if acpi_object is not None:
description = acpi_object.text
description = device_node.get("description", description)
# Guess BDF of the device
bus = device_node.getparent()
if bus.tag == "bus" and bus.get("type") == "pci" and device_node.get("address") is not None:
bus_number = int(bus.get("address"), 16)
address = int(device_node.get("address"), 16)
device_number = address >> 16
function_number = address & 0xffff
description = f"{bus_number:02x}:{device_number:02x}.{function_number} {description}"
for irq in get_irqs_of_device(device_node):
# Identify and report conflicts among interrupt lines of the VMs
for vm1, vm2 in combinations(irq_allocation.keys(), 2):
common_irqs = set(irq_allocation[vm1].keys()) & set(irq_allocation[vm2].keys())
for irq in common_irqs:
if conflicts:
print("Interrupt line conflicts detected!")
for irq, vm_devices in sorted(conflicts.items()):
print(f"Interrupt line {irq} is shared by the following devices.")
for vm_id, devices in vm_devices.items():
for device in sorted(devices):
print(f"\tVM {vm_id}: {device}")
raise lib.error.ResourceError(f"VMs have conflicting interrupt lines.")
# Dump allocations to allocation_etree. The virtual interrupt line is the same as the physical one unless otherwise
# stated in the scenario configuration.
for vm_id, alloc in irq_allocation.items():
vm_node = common.get_node(f"/acrn-config/vm[@id = '{vm_id}']", allocation_etree)
if vm_node is None:
vm_node = common.append_node("/acrn-config/vm", None, allocation_etree, id = str(vm_id))
pt_intx_text = common.get_node(f"//vm[@id='{vm_id}']/pt_intx/text()", scenario_etree)
pt_intx_mapping = dict(eval(f"[{pt_intx_text.replace(')(', '), (')}]")) if pt_intx_text is not None else {}
for irq, devs in alloc.items():
for dev in devs:
if dev.startswith("("): # Allocation in the scenario configuration need not go to allocation.xml
bdf = dev.split(" ")[0]
dev_name = f"PTDEV_{bdf}"
dev_node = common.get_node(f"device[@name = '{dev_name}']", vm_node)
if dev_node is None:
dev_node = common.append_node("./device", None, vm_node, name = dev_name)
pt_intx_node = common.get_node(f"pt_intx", dev_node)
virq = pt_intx_mapping.get(irq, irq)
if pt_intx_node is None:
common.append_node(f"./pt_intx", f"({irq}, {virq})", dev_node)
pt_intx_node.text += f" ({irq}, {virq})"
def fn(board_etree, scenario_etree, allocation_etree):
alloc_legacy_vuart_irqs(board_etree, scenario_etree, allocation_etree)
alloc_device_irqs(board_etree, scenario_etree, allocation_etree)