
376 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import ctypes
class DmarHeader(ctypes.Structure):
"""DMAR Header"""
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('signature', ctypes.c_char*4),
('length', ctypes.c_uint32),
('revision', ctypes.c_ubyte),
('checksum', ctypes.c_ubyte),
('oem_id', ctypes.c_char*6),
('oem_table_id', ctypes.c_char*8),
('oem_revision', ctypes.c_uint32),
('asl_compiler_id', ctypes.c_char*4),
('asl_compiler_revision', ctypes.c_uint32),
('host_addr_width', ctypes.c_ubyte),
('flags', ctypes.c_ubyte),
('reserved', ctypes.c_ubyte*10),
def style_check_1(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self._pack_ = 0
def style_check_2(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self._pack_ = 0
class DmarSubtblHeader(ctypes.Structure):
"""DMAR Sub Table Header"""
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('type', ctypes.c_uint16),
('length', ctypes.c_uint16),
def style_check_1(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self._pack_ = 0
def style_check_2(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self._pack_ = 0
class DmarDevScope(ctypes.Structure):
"""DMAR Device Scope"""
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('entry_type', ctypes.c_uint8),
('scope_length', ctypes.c_uint8),
('reserved', ctypes.c_uint16),
('enumeration_id', ctypes.c_uint8),
('bus', ctypes.c_uint8),
def style_check_1(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self._pack_ = 0
def style_check_2(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self._pack_ = 0
class DmarHwUnit(ctypes.Structure):
"""DMAR Hardware Unit"""
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
('sub_header', DmarSubtblHeader),
('flags', ctypes.c_uint8),
('reserved', ctypes.c_uint8),
('segment', ctypes.c_uint16),
('address', ctypes.c_uint64),
def style_check_1(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self._pack_ = 0
def style_check_2(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self._pack_ = 0
class DevScopePath(ctypes.Structure):
"""DEVICE Scope Path"""
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
("device", ctypes.c_uint8),
("function", ctypes.c_uint8),
def style_check_1(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self._pack_ = 0
def style_check_2(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self._pack_ = 0
def map_file(sysnode):
"""Map sys node to memory address"""
data = open(sysnode, 'rb').read()
buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(data, len(data))
addr = ctypes.addressof(buf)
return addr
class DmarHwList:
"""DMAR HW List"""
def __init__(self):
self.hw_segment_list = []
self.hw_flags_list = []
self.hw_address_list = []
self.hw_ignore = {}
def style_check_1(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self.hw_ignore = {}
def style_check_2(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self.hw_ignore = {}
class DmarDevList:
"""DMAR DEV List"""
def __init__(self):
self.dev_scope_cnt_list = []
self.dev_bus_list = []
self.dev_path_list = []
self.dev_scope_id_list = []
self.dev_scope_type_list = []
def style_check_1(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self.dev_bus_list = []
def style_check_2(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self.dev_bus_list = []
class DmarTbl:
"""DMAR TBL"""
def __init__(self):
self.sub_tbl_offset = 0
self.dmar_drhd = 0
self.dmar_dev_scope = 0
self.dev_scope_offset = 0
self.dev_scope_cnt = 0
self.path_offset = 0
def style_check_1(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self.path_offset = 0
def style_check_2(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self.path_offset = 0
# TODO: Get board information is independent part of acrn-config tools, it does not get the GPU_SBDF default
# config from the other part of tools, so hard code the GPU_SBDF to gernerate DRHDx_IGNORE macro
class PathDevFun:
"""Path Device Function meta data"""
def __init__(self):
self.path = 0
self.device = 0
self.function = 0
def style_check_1(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self.path = 0
def style_check_2(self):
"""Style check if have public method"""
self.path = 0
def walk_pci_bus(tmp_pdf, dmar_tbl, dmar_hw_list, n_cnt, drhd_cnt):
"""Walk Pci bus
:param tmp_pdf: it is a class what contains path,device,function in dmar device scope region
:param dmar_tbl: it is a class to describe dmar which contains Device Scope and DRHD
:param dmar_hw_list: it is a class to describe hardware scope in DMAR table
:param n_cnt: the number of device in device scope
:param drhd_cnt: it is a counter to calculate the DRHD in DMAR table
while n_cnt:
scope_path = DevScopePath.from_address(dmar_tbl.path_offset)
tmp_pdf.device = scope_path.device
tmp_pdf.function = scope_path.function
tmp_pdf.path = (((tmp_pdf.device & 0x1F) << 3) | ((tmp_pdf.function & 0x7)))
dmar_tbl.path_offset += ctypes.sizeof(DevScopePath)
n_cnt -= 1
if ((dmar_tbl.dmar_drhd.segment << 16) | (
dmar_tbl.dmar_dev_scope.bus << 8) | tmp_pdf.path) == CONFIG_GPU_SBDF:
dmar_hw_list.hw_ignore[drhd_cnt] = 'true'
dmar_hw_list.hw_ignore[drhd_cnt] = 'false'
return (tmp_pdf, dmar_tbl, dmar_hw_list)
def walk_dev_scope(dmar_tbl, dmar_dev_list, dmar_hw_list, drhd_cnt):
"""Walk device scope
:param dmar_tbl: it is a class to describe dmar which contains Device Scope and DRHD
:param dmar_dev_list: it is a class to describe device scope in DMAR table
:param dmar_hw_list: it is a class to describe DRHD in DMAR table
:param drhd_cnt: it is a counter to calculate the DRHD in DMAR table
dmar_tbl.dev_scope_offset = dmar_tbl.sub_tbl_offset + ctypes.sizeof(DmarHwUnit)
scope_end = dmar_tbl.dev_scope_offset + dmar_tbl.dmar_drhd.sub_header.length
dmar_tbl.dev_scope_cnt = 0
while dmar_tbl.dev_scope_offset < scope_end:
dmar_tbl.dmar_dev_scope = DmarDevScope.from_address(dmar_tbl.dev_scope_offset)
if dmar_tbl.dmar_dev_scope.scope_length <= 0:
if dmar_tbl.dmar_dev_scope.entry_type != \
dmar_tbl.dmar_dev_scope.entry_type < \
dmar_tbl.dev_scope_cnt += 1
# get type and id from device scope
# path offset is in end of device spcope
dmar_tbl.path_offset = dmar_tbl.dev_scope_offset + ctypes.sizeof(DmarDevScope)
# walk the pci bus with path deep, and find the {Device,Function}
tmp_pdf = PathDevFun()
n_cnt = (dmar_tbl.dmar_dev_scope.scope_length - ctypes.sizeof(DmarDevScope)) // 2
(tmp_pdf, dmar_tbl, dmar_hw_list) = walk_pci_bus(tmp_pdf, dmar_tbl, dmar_hw_list,
n_cnt, drhd_cnt)
dmar_tbl.dev_scope_offset += dmar_tbl.dmar_dev_scope.scope_length
return (dmar_tbl, dmar_dev_list, dmar_hw_list)
def walk_dmar_table(dmar_tbl, dmar_hw_list, dmar_dev_list, sysnode):
"""Walk dmar table and get information
:param dmar_tbl: it is a class to describe dmar which contains Device Scope and DRHD
:param dmar_hw_list: it is a class to describe hardware scope in DMAR table
:param dmar_dev_list: it is a class to describe device scope in DMAR table
:param sysnode: the system device node of acpi table, such as: /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DMAR
data = open(sysnode, 'rb').read()
buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(data, len(data))
addr = ctypes.addressof(buf)
# contain the dmar tbl_header
dmar_tbl_header = DmarHeader.from_address(addr)
# cytpes.c_int16.from_address(addr) reade int16 from ad1
# in end of tbl header is remapping structure(DRHD/sub tbl)
dmar_tbl.sub_tbl_offset = addr + ctypes.sizeof(DmarHeader)
drhd_cnt = 0
while True:
sub_dmar = DmarSubtblHeader.from_address(dmar_tbl.sub_tbl_offset)
sub_dmar_type = sub_dmar.type
sub_dmar_len = sub_dmar.length
if dmar_tbl.sub_tbl_offset - addr >= dmar_tbl_header.length:
dmar_tbl.sub_tbl_offset += sub_dmar.length
# get one DRHD type in sub table
dmar_tbl.dmar_drhd = DmarHwUnit.from_address(dmar_tbl.sub_tbl_offset)
# in end of DRHD/sub tbl header is dev scope, then enumerate the device scope
(dmar_tbl, dmar_dev_list, dmar_hw_list) = walk_dev_scope(
dmar_tbl, dmar_dev_list, dmar_hw_list, drhd_cnt)
drhd_cnt += 1
dmar_tbl.sub_tbl_offset += sub_dmar_len
return (dmar_tbl, dmar_hw_list, dmar_dev_list, drhd_cnt)
def write_dmar_data(sysnode, config):
"""Write the DMAR data to board info
:param sysnode: the system device node of acpi table, such as: /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DMAR
:param config: file pointer that opened for writing board information
dmar_hw_list = DmarHwList()
dmar_dev_list = DmarDevList()
dmar_tbl = DmarTbl()
(dmar_tbl, dmar_hw_list, dmar_dev_list, drhd_cnt) = walk_dmar_table(
dmar_tbl, dmar_hw_list, dmar_dev_list, sysnode)
print("\t#define DRHD_COUNT {0}U".format(drhd_cnt), file=config)
print("", file=config)
prev_dev_scope_num = 0
for drhd_hw_i in range(drhd_cnt):
dev_scope_num = dmar_dev_list.dev_scope_cnt_list[drhd_hw_i]
print("\t#define DRHD"+str(drhd_hw_i)+"_DEV_CNT {0}U".format(
hex(dmar_dev_list.dev_scope_cnt_list[drhd_hw_i])), file=config)
print("\t#define DRHD"+str(drhd_hw_i)+"_SEGMENT {0}U".format(
hex(dmar_hw_list.hw_segment_list[drhd_hw_i])), file=config)
print("\t#define DRHD"+str(drhd_hw_i)+"_FLAGS {0}U".format(
hex(dmar_hw_list.hw_flags_list[drhd_hw_i])), file=config)
print("\t#define DRHD"+str(drhd_hw_i)+"_REG_BASE 0x{:0>2X}UL".format(
dmar_hw_list.hw_address_list[drhd_hw_i]), file=config)
if drhd_hw_i in dmar_hw_list.hw_ignore.keys():
print("\t#define DRHD"+str(drhd_hw_i)+"_IGNORE {0}".format(
dmar_hw_list.hw_ignore[drhd_hw_i]), file=config)
for dev_scope_i in range(dev_scope_num):
print("\t#define DRHD"+str(drhd_hw_i)+"_DEVSCOPE"+str(dev_scope_i),
file=config, end="")
print("_TYPE {0}U".format(
hex(dmar_dev_list.dev_scope_type_list[prev_dev_scope_num + dev_scope_i])),
print("\t#define DRHD"+str(drhd_hw_i)+"_DEVSCOPE"+str(dev_scope_i),
file=config, end="")
print("_ID {0}U".format(
hex(dmar_dev_list.dev_scope_id_list[prev_dev_scope_num + dev_scope_i])),
print("\t#define DRHD"+str(drhd_hw_i)+"_DEVSCOPE"+str(dev_scope_i),
file=config, end="")
print("_BUS {0}U".format(hex(
dmar_dev_list.dev_bus_list[prev_dev_scope_num + dev_scope_i])),
print("\t#define DRHD"+str(drhd_hw_i)+"_DEVSCOPE"+str(dev_scope_i),
file=config, end="")
print("_PATH {0}U".format(hex(
dmar_dev_list.dev_path_list[prev_dev_scope_num + dev_scope_i])),
print("", file=config)
prev_dev_scope_num += dev_scope_num