140 lines
4.6 KiB
140 lines
4.6 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import sys, os, re
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', 'library'))
import acrn_config_utilities, board_cfg_lib
from collections import namedtuple
from acrn_config_utilities import get_node
class BusDevFunc(namedtuple(
"BusDevFunc", [
PATTERN = re.compile(r"(?P<bus>[0-9a-f]{2}):(?P<dev>[0-9a-f]{2})\.(?P<func>[0-7]{1})")
def from_str(cls, value):
if not(isinstance(value, str)):
raise ValueError("value must be a str: {}".format(type(value)))
match = cls.PATTERN.fullmatch(value)
if match:
return BusDevFunc(
bus=int(match.group("bus"), 16),
dev=int(match.group("dev"), 16),
func=int(match.group("func"), 16))
raise ValueError("not a bdf: {!r}".format(value))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not (0x00 <= self.bus <= 0xff):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid bus number (0x00 ~ 0xff): {self.bus:#04x}")
if not (0x00 <= self.dev <= 0x1f):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid device number (0x00 ~ 0x1f): {self.dev:#04x}")
if not (0x0 <= self.func <= 0x7):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid function number (0 ~ 7): {self.func:#x}")
def __str__(self):
return f"PTDEV_{self.bus:02x}:{self.dev:02x}.{self.func:x}"
def __repr__(self):
return "BusDevFunc.from_str({!r})".format(str(self))
def parse_hv_console(scenario_etree):
There may be 4 types in the console item
1. BDF:(00:18.2) seri:/dev/ttyS2
2. /dev/ttyS2
3. ttyS2
4. "None"
ttys_n = ''
ttys = get_node("//SERIAL_CONSOLE/text()", scenario_etree)
if not ttys or ttys == None or ttys == 'None':
return ttys_n
if ttys and 'BDF' in ttys or '/dev' in ttys:
ttys_n = ttys.split('/')[2]
ttys_n = ttys
return ttys_n
def get_native_ttys():
native_ttys = {}
ttys_lines = board_cfg_lib.get_info(acrn_config_utilities.BOARD_INFO_FILE, "<TTYS_INFO>", "</TTYS_INFO>")
if ttys_lines:
for tty_line in ttys_lines:
tmp_dic = {}
#seri:/dev/ttySx type:mmio base:0x91526000 irq:4 [bdf:"00:18.0"]
#seri:/dev/ttySy type:portio base:0x2f8 irq:5
tty = tty_line.split('/')[2].split()[0]
ttys_type = tty_line.split()[1].split(':')[1].strip()
ttys_base = tty_line.split()[2].split(':')[1].strip()
ttys_irq = tty_line.split()[3].split(':')[1].strip()
tmp_dic['type'] = ttys_type
tmp_dic['base'] = ttys_base
tmp_dic['irq'] = int(ttys_irq)
native_ttys[tty] = tmp_dic
return native_ttys
def get_ivshmem_regions_by_tree(etree):
ivshmem_enabled = get_ivshmem_enabled_by_tree(etree)
if ivshmem_enabled == 'n':
return {}
ivshmem_regions = etree.xpath("//IVSHMEM_REGION")
shmem_regions = {}
for idx in range(len(ivshmem_regions)):
provided_by = get_node("./PROVIDED_BY/text()", ivshmem_regions[idx])
if provided_by != "Hypervisor":
shm_name = get_node("./NAME/text()", ivshmem_regions[idx])
if shm_name is None:
shm_size = get_node("./IVSHMEM_SIZE/text()", ivshmem_regions[idx])
shm_vm_list = ivshmem_regions[idx].xpath(".//IVSHMEM_VM")
for shm_vm in shm_vm_list:
vm_name = get_node("./VM_NAME/text()", shm_vm)
vm_id = get_node(f"//vm[name = '{vm_name}']/@id", etree)
vbdf = get_node("./VBDF/text()", shm_vm)
if vm_id not in shmem_regions:
shmem_regions[vm_id] = {}
shmem_regions[vm_id][shm_name] = {'id' : str(idx), 'size' : shm_size, 'vbdf' : vbdf}
return shmem_regions
def get_ivshmem_enabled_by_tree(etree):
ivshmem_vms = etree.xpath("//IVSHMEM_VM")
shmem_enabled = 'n'
if len(ivshmem_vms) != 0:
shmem_enabled = 'y'
return shmem_enabled
def is_pre_launched_vm(vm_type):
if vm_type == 'PRE_LAUNCHED_VM':
return True
return False
def is_post_launched_vm(vm_type):
if vm_type == 'POST_LAUNCHED_VM':
return True
return False
def is_service_vm(vm_type):
if vm_type == 'SERVICE_VM':
return True
return False