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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import sys, os, re
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', 'library'))
import acrn_config_utilities, lib.error, lib.lib
from acrn_config_utilities import get_node
# Constants for device name prefix
# Exception bdf list
# Some hardware drivers' bdf is hardcoded, the bdf cannot be changed even it is passtrhough devices.
HARDCODED_BDF_LIST = ["00:0e.0"]
def find_unused_bdf(used_bdf):
# never assign 0:00.0 to any emulated devices, it's reserved for pci hostbridge
for dev in range(0x1, 0x20):
bdf = lib.lib.BusDevFunc(bus=0x00, dev=dev, func=0x0)
if all(( != for in_use_bdf in used_bdf)):
return bdf
raise lib.error.ResourceError(f"Cannot find free bdf, used bdf: {sorted(used_bdf)}")
def insert_vuart_to_dev_dict(scenario_etree, devdict, used):
console_vuart = scenario_etree.xpath(f"./console_vuart[base != 'INVALID_PCI_BASE']/@id")
for vuart_id in console_vuart:
free_bdf = find_unused_bdf(used)
devdict[f"{VUART}_{vuart_id}"] = free_bdf
def insert_ivsheme_to_dev_dict(scenario_etree, devdict, vm_id, used):
shmem_regions = lib.lib.get_ivshmem_regions_by_tree(scenario_etree)
if vm_id not in shmem_regions:
shmems = shmem_regions.get(vm_id)
for shm in shmems.values():
bdf = lib.lib.BusDevFunc.from_str(shm.get('vbdf'))
devdict[f"{IVSHMEM}_{shm.get('id')}"] = bdf
def insert_pt_devs_to_dev_dict(vm_node_etree, devdict, used):
Assign an unused bdf to each of passtrhough devices.
If a passtrhough device's bdf is in the list of HARDCODED_BDF_LIST, this device should apply the same bdf as native one.
Calls find_unused_bdf to assign an unused bdf for the rest of passtrhough devices except the ones in HARDCODED_BDF_LIST.
pt_devs = vm_node_etree.xpath(f".//pci_dev/text()")
# assign the bdf of the devices in HARDCODED_BDF_LIST
for pt_dev in pt_devs:
bdf_string = pt_dev.split()[0]
if bdf_string in HARDCODED_BDF_LIST:
bdf = lib.lib.BusDevFunc.from_str(bdf_string)
dev_name = str(bdf)
devdict[dev_name] = bdf
# remove the pt_dev nodes which are in HARDCODED_BDF_LIST
pt_devs = [pt_dev for pt_dev in pt_devs if lib.lib.BusDevFunc.from_str(bdf_string) not in used]
# call find_unused_bdf to assign an unused bdf for other passthrough devices except the ones in HARDCODED_BDF_LIST
for pt_dev in pt_devs:
bdf = lib.lib.BusDevFunc.from_str(pt_dev.split()[0])
free_bdf = find_unused_bdf(used)
dev_name = str(bdf)
devdict[dev_name] = free_bdf
def get_devs_bdf_native(board_etree):
Get all pci devices' bdf in native environment.
return: list of pci devices' bdf
nodes = board_etree.xpath(f"//bus[@type = 'pci' and @address = '0x0']/device[@address]")
dev_list = []
for node in nodes:
address = node.get('address')
bus = int(get_node("../@address", node), 16)
dev = int(address, 16) >> 16
func = int(address, 16) & 0xffff
# According to section 6.1.1, ACPI Spec 6.4, _ADR of a device object under PCI/PCIe bus can use a special
# function number 0xFFFF to refer to all functions of a certain device. Such objects will have their own nodes
# in the board XML, but are out of the scope here as we are only interested in concrete BDFs that are already
# occupied.
# Thus, if the function number is 0xffff, we simply skip it.
if func != 0xffff:
dev_list.append(lib.lib.BusDevFunc(bus = bus, dev = dev, func = func))
return dev_list
def get_devs_bdf_passthrough(scenario_etree):
Get all pre-launched vms' passthrough devices' bdf in native environment.
return: list of passtrhough devices' bdf.
dev_list = []
pt_devs = scenario_etree.xpath(f"//vm[load_order = 'PRE_LAUNCHED_VM']/pci_devs/pci_dev/text()")
for pt_dev in pt_devs:
bdf = lib.lib.BusDevFunc.from_str(pt_dev.split()[0])
return dev_list
def create_device_node(allocation_etree, vm_id, devdict):
for dev in devdict:
dev_name = dev
bdf = devdict.get(dev)
vm_node = get_node(f"/acrn-config/vm[@id = '{vm_id}']", allocation_etree)
if vm_node is None:
vm_node = acrn_config_utilities.append_node("/acrn-config/vm", None, allocation_etree, id = vm_id)
dev_node = get_node(f"./device[@name = '{dev_name}']", vm_node)
if dev_node is None:
dev_node = acrn_config_utilities.append_node("./device", None, vm_node, name = dev_name)
if get_node(f"./bus", dev_node) is None:
acrn_config_utilities.append_node(f"./bus", f"{bdf.bus:#04x}", dev_node)
if get_node(f"./dev", dev_node) is None:
acrn_config_utilities.append_node(f"./dev", f"{}", dev_node)
if get_node(f"./func", dev_node) is None:
acrn_config_utilities.append_node(f"./func", f"{bdf.func:#04x}", dev_node)
def create_igd_sbdf(board_etree, allocation_etree):
Extract the integrated GPU bdf from board.xml. If the device is not present, set bdf to "0xFFFF" which indicates the device
doesn't exist.
bus = "0x0"
device_node = get_node(f"//bus[@type='pci' and @address='{bus}']/device[@address='0x20000' and vendor='0x8086' and class='0x030000']", board_etree)
if device_node is None:
acrn_config_utilities.append_node("/acrn-config/hv/MISC_CFG/IGD_SBDF", '0xFFFF', allocation_etree)
address = device_node.get('address')
dev = int(address, 16) >> 16
func = int(address, 16) & 0xffff
acrn_config_utilities.append_node("/acrn-config/hv/MISC_CFG/IGD_SBDF", f"{(int(bus, 16) << 8) | (dev << 3) | func:#06x}", allocation_etree)
def fn(board_etree, scenario_etree, allocation_etree):
create_igd_sbdf(board_etree, allocation_etree)
vm_nodes = scenario_etree.xpath("//vm")
for vm_node in vm_nodes:
vm_id = vm_node.get('id')
devdict = {}
used = []
load_order = get_node("./load_order/text()", vm_node)
if load_order is not None and lib.lib.is_post_launched_vm(load_order):
if load_order is not None and lib.lib.is_service_vm(load_order):
native_used = get_devs_bdf_native(board_etree)
passthrough_used = get_devs_bdf_passthrough(scenario_etree)
used = [bdf for bdf in native_used if bdf not in passthrough_used]
if get_node("//@board", scenario_etree) == "tgl-rvp":
used.append(lib.lib.BusDevFunc(bus = 0, dev = 1, func = 0))
insert_vuart_to_dev_dict(vm_node, devdict, used)
insert_ivsheme_to_dev_dict(scenario_etree, devdict, vm_id, used)
insert_pt_devs_to_dev_dict(vm_node, devdict, used)
create_device_node(allocation_etree, vm_id, devdict)