
438 lines
16 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
Convert XML Schema To JSON Schema.
# Example Code
import os
import json
from xs2js import XS2JS
schema_file = os.path.join('schema', 'config.xsd')
json_schema = XS2JS(schema_file).get_json_schema()
json_schema = json.dumps(json_schema, indent='\t')
output_file = 'schema.json'
open(output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8').write(json_schema)
__package__ = 'scenario_config.jsonschema'
import os
import json
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from pathlib import Path
import xmltodict
from .document import ACRNDocumentStringConvertor
except ImportError:
from document import ACRNDocumentStringConvertor
class XSTypes:
def __init__(self, schema_dict):
self.simple = self.load_type(schema_dict.get('xs:simpleType', []))
self.complex = self.load_type(schema_dict.get('xs:complexType', []))
def load_type(type_list):
return {type_info['@name']: type_info for type_info in type_list}
def get_type(self, type_name):
if type_name in self.simple:
return self.simple[type_name]
elif type_name in self.complex:
return self.complex[type_name]
raise NotImplementedError
class XS:
def __init__(self, schema_filename):
self.schema = self.load_file(schema_filename)
self.types = XSTypes(self.schema)
def load_file(schema_filename):
"""load xml schema file and convert it to json dict"""
schema = open(schema_filename, encoding='utf-8').read()
# load schema_content
schema_content = xmltodict.parse(schema)
schema_content = schema_content['xs:schema']
# handle xinclude element
XS._handle_include(schema_filename, schema_content)
return schema_content
def _handle_include(schema_filename, schema_content):
"""parse xsd document xi:include tag and inject their content to origin document content"""
if 'xi:include' in schema_content:
for include in reversed(schema_content['xi:include']):
source_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(schema_filename), include['@href'])
include_content = XS.load_file(source_path)
# marge data
for attr in ['xs:simpleType', 'xs:complexType']:
if attr in include_content:
if attr not in schema_content:
schema_content[attr] = []
schema_content[attr] = [
class XS2JS:
xst2jst_mapping = {
'xs:string': 'string',
'xs:integer': 'integer'
xsa2jsa_mapping = {
'xs:minLength': ('minLength', int),
'xs:maxLength': ('maxLength', int),
'xs:pattern': ('pattern', lambda x: f"^{x}$"),
'xs:minInclusive': ('minimum', int),
'xs:maxInclusive': ('maximum', int),
def __init__(self, schema_filename, features=None):
self.xs = XS(schema_filename)
self.desc_conv = ACRNDocumentStringConvertor()
if features is None:
self.features = []
if isinstance(features, list):
self.features = features
self.features = [features]
def _get_definitions(self):
"""convert xml schema types to json schema definitions"""
definitions = OrderedDict()
# simple types
for type_name, simple_type in self.xs.types.simple.items():
definitions[type_name] = self.xso2jso(simple_type)
# complex types
for type_name, complex_type in self.xs.types.complex.items():
definitions[type_name] = self.xse2jse(complex_type)
return definitions
def get_json_schema(self):
json_schema = self.xse2jse(self.xs.schema)
json_schema["additionalProperties"] = True
json_schema['$schema'] = ""
json_schema.move_to_end('$schema', False)
json_schema["definitions"] = self._get_definitions()
return json_schema
def convert_widget_config(self, annotation, js_ele):
if '@acrn:widget' in annotation:
js_ele['ui:widget'] = annotation['@acrn:widget']
if '@acrn:widget-options' in annotation:
js_ele['ui:options'] = eval(f"{{{annotation['@acrn:widget-options']}}}")
def convert_errormsg_config(self, annotation, js_ele):
if '@acrn:errormsg' in annotation:
opts = eval(f"{{{annotation['@acrn:errormsg']}}}")
# An items of an error schema requires an "err:" prefix.
keys = list(opts.keys())
for key in keys:
opts[f"err:{key}"] = opts.pop(key)
def xst2jst(self, type_name) -> str:
"""convert xml schema type name to json schema type name"""
if type_name in self.xst2jst_mapping:
return self.xst2jst_mapping[type_name]
raise NotImplementedError
def xsa2jsa(self, restriction):
"""convert xml schema object attrs to json schema object attrs"""
result = {}
for key in restriction:
if key in self.xsa2jsa_mapping:
js_key, js_type = self.xsa2jsa_mapping[key]
result[js_key] = js_type(restriction[key]['@value'])
return result
def xso2jso(self, obj, show_type_name=False) -> OrderedDict:
"""convert xml schema object to json schema object"""
if 'xs:restriction' in obj:
restriction = obj['xs:restriction']
js_st = OrderedDict({"type": self.xst2jst(restriction['@base'])})
if show_type_name:
js_st['title'] = obj['@name']
js_st.move_to_end('title', False)
if 'xs:enumeration' in restriction:
type_func = {"string": str, "integer": int}.get(js_st['type'], str)
# enum
enum_elements = restriction['xs:enumeration']
if not isinstance(enum_elements, list):
enum_elements = [enum_elements]
enum = []
for enum_element in enum_elements:
js_st["enum"] = enum
# enumNames
if enum and '@acrn:title' in enum_elements[0].get('xs:annotation', {}):
enum_names = []
for enum_element in enum_elements:
if 'xs:annotation' in enum_element and '@acrn:title' in enum_element.get('xs:annotation', {}):
enum_name = enum_element['@value']
print('Warning!: enum element {} does not provide a enumName'.format(str(enum_element)))
js_st["enumNames"] = enum_names
# widget configs and error messages
if 'xs:annotation' in obj:
self.convert_widget_config(obj['xs:annotation'], js_st)
self.convert_errormsg_config(obj['xs:annotation'], js_st)
return js_st
elif 'xs:union' in obj:
member_types = obj['xs:union']['@memberTypes'].split(' ')
member_js_objects = []
for type_name in member_types:
member_type = self.xs.types.get_type(type_name)
member_js_objects.append(self.xso2jso(member_type, True))
# Todo: union type refactor
return OrderedDict({"anyOf": member_js_objects})
raise NotImplementedError
def get_tester(self, element):
if "@test" not in element:
raise ValueError
test_command ='\.//(\S+)\s*=\s*[\'"](\S+)[\'"]', element['@test'])
if not test_command:
raise ValueError
test_attr_name =
test_attr_const =
test_obj = {
"if": {
"properties": {
test_attr_name: {
"const": test_attr_const
"then": True,
"else": False
return test_obj
def get_element_define(self, element):
basic_define = {}
if 'xs:simpleType' in element:
basic_define = self.xso2jso(element['xs:simpleType'])
elif '@type' in element:
element_type = element['@type']
if element_type in self.xst2jst_mapping:
basic_define['type'] = self.xst2jst_mapping[element_type]
basic_define["$ref"] = "#/definitions/%s" % element_type
elif 'xs:complexType' in element:
basic_define = self.xse2jse(element['xs:complexType'])
elif 'xs:alternative' in element:
possible_types = []
for possible_type in element['xs:alternative']:
temp_obj = self.get_element_define(possible_type)
if '@test' in possible_type:
basic_define = {'oneOf': possible_types}
print(json.dumps(element, indent=2))
raise NotImplementedError
return basic_define
def xse2jse(self, obj) -> OrderedDict:
"""convert xml schema elements to json schema elements"""
properties = OrderedDict()
required = []
# get elements
all_elements = self.get_elements(obj)
for element in all_elements:
name = element['@name']
# get element basic define (basic/simple type? $ref?)
basic_define = self.get_element_define(element)
# build element json schema
js_ele = OrderedDict(basic_define)
# get default
if '@default' in element:
default = element['@default']
if default.isdigit():
default = int(default)
js_ele['default'] = default
# is this element is required ?
if '@minOccurs' in element:
min_items = int(element['@minOccurs'])
if min_items > 0:
if min_items > 1:
js_ele['minItems'] = min_items
# by default, field is required
if '@maxOccurs' in element:
# ui:options seen at this moment are copied from the annotation of the type.
possible_keys = ['type', '$ref', 'oneOf', 'ui:options', 'err:required', 'err:pattern']
convert_to_items_success = False
js_ele['items'] = {}
for possible_key in possible_keys:
if possible_key not in js_ele:
js_ele['items'][possible_key] = js_ele[possible_key]
del js_ele[possible_key]
convert_to_items_success = True
if not convert_to_items_success:
raise NotImplementedError
if element['@maxOccurs'] == "unbounded":
# unlimited, only set type = array
js_ele['type'] = 'array'
js_ele['type'] = 'array'
js_ele['maxItems'] = int(element['@maxOccurs'])
if 'default' in js_ele:
js_ele['items']['default'] = js_ele['default']
del js_ele['default']
# get description
if 'xs:annotation' in element:
annotation = element['xs:annotation']
# title
js_ele['title'] = annotation.get('@acrn:title', name)
# documentation
documentation = annotation.get('xs:documentation', None)
if isinstance(documentation, list):
documentation = documentation[0]
if documentation is None or documentation.strip() == '':
documentation = ''
if documentation:
documentation = self.desc_conv.convert(documentation)
js_ele['description'] = documentation
# dynamic enum
if '@acrn:options' in annotation and 'dynamicEnum' in self.features:
dynamic_enum = {
'type': 'dynamicEnum',
'function': 'get_enum',
'source': 'board_xml',
'selector': annotation['@acrn:options'],
'name-selector': annotation['@acrn:option-names'] if '@acrn:option-names' in annotation else annotation['@acrn:options'],
'sorted': annotation.get('@acrn:options-sorted-by', None)
# enum should be applied to array items instead of array itself
if 'items' in js_ele:
js_ele['items']['enum'] = dynamic_enum
js_ele['enum'] = dynamic_enum
# widget and its options
self.convert_widget_config(annotation, js_ele)
# Error messages
self.convert_errormsg_config(annotation, js_ele)
properties[name] = js_ele
# build result
result = OrderedDict({"type": "object"})
if required:
result['required'] = required
if properties:
result["properties"] = properties
return result
def get_elements(obj):
"""get elements from xml schema object"""
all_elements = []
if 'xs:element' in obj:
elements = obj['xs:element']
if not isinstance(elements, list):
elements = [elements]
for attr in ['xs:sequence', 'xs:all']:
if attr in obj:
elements = obj[attr]['xs:element']
if not isinstance(elements, list):
elements = [elements]
return all_elements
def main():
# find acrn-hypervisor/misc/config_tools folder
config_tools = Path(__file__).absolute()
while != "config_tools":
config_tools = config_tools.parent
schema_file = config_tools / 'schema' / 'sliced.xsd'
json_schema_file = config_tools / 'configurator' / 'packages' / 'configurator' / 'build' / 'assets' / 'scenario.json'
json_schema_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Convert XSD to JSON Schema
# Todo: turn off it
stand_json_schema = False
features = []
if not stand_json_schema:
json_schema = XS2JS(schema_file, features).get_json_schema()
json_schema = json.dumps(json_schema, indent='\t')
# Write file and print successful message
with open(json_schema_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
print("File %s Convert Success. JSON Schema Write To: %s" % (repr(schema_file), repr(json_schema_file)))
if __name__ == '__main__':