
494 lines
21 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import re
import os
import sys
import copy
import shlex
import argparse
import logging
import lxml.etree as etree
def eval_xpath(element, xpath, default_value=None):
return next(iter(element.xpath(xpath)), default_value)
def eval_xpath_all(element, xpath):
return element.xpath(xpath)
class LaunchScript:
script_template_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "")
class VirtualBDFAllocator:
def __init__(self):
# Reserved slots:
# 0 - For (virtual) hostbridge
# 1 - For (virtual) LPC
# 2 - For passthrough integarted GPU (either PF or VF)
# 31 - For LPC bridge needed by integrated GPU
self._free_slots = list(range(3, 30))
def get_virtual_bdf(self, device_etree=None, options=None):
if device_etree is not None:
bus = eval_xpath(device_etree, "../@address")
vendor_id = eval_xpath(device_etree, "vendor/text()")
class_code = eval_xpath(device_etree, "class/text()")
# VGA-compatible controller, either integrated or discrete GPU
if class_code == "0x030000":
return 2
if options:
if "igd" in options:
return 2
next_vbdf = self._free_slots.pop(0)
return next_vbdf
def remove_virtual_bdf(self, slot):
if slot in self._free_slots:
class PassThruDeviceOptions:
passthru_device_options = {
"0x0200": [".//PTM[text()='y']", "enable_ptm"], # Ethernet controller, added if PTM is enabled for the VM
"0x0c0330": [".//os_type[text()='Windows OS']", "d3hot_reset"],
def __init__(self, vm_scenario_etree):
self._options = copy.copy(self.passthru_device_options)
def get_option(self, device_etree, vm_scenario_etree):
passthru_options = []
if device_etree is not None:
class_code = eval_xpath(device_etree, "class/text()", "")
for k, v in self._options.items():
if class_code.startswith(k) and vm_scenario_etree.xpath(v[0]):
return ",".join(passthru_options)
def __init__(self, board_etree, vm_name, vm_scenario_etree):
self._board_etree = board_etree
self._vm_scenario_etree = vm_scenario_etree
self._vm_name = vm_name
self._vm_descriptors = {}
self._init_commands = []
self._cpu_dict = {}
self._dm_parameters = []
self._deinit_commands = []
self._vbdf_allocator = self.VirtualBDFAllocator()
self._passthru_options = self.PassThruDeviceOptions(vm_scenario_etree)
def add_vm_descriptor(self, name, value):
self._vm_descriptors[name] = value
def add_sos_cpu_dict(self, cpu_and_lapic_id_list):
self._cpu_dict = dict(cpu_and_lapic_id_list)
def add_init_command(self, command):
if command not in self._init_commands:
def add_deinit_command(self, command):
if command not in self._deinit_commands:
def add_plain_dm_parameter(self, opt):
full_opt = f"{opt}"
if full_opt not in self._dm_parameters:
def add_dynamic_dm_parameter(self, cmd, opt=""):
full_cmd = f"{cmd:40s} {opt}".strip()
full_opt = f"`{full_cmd}`"
if full_opt not in self._dm_parameters:
def to_string(self):
s = ""
with open(self.script_template_path, "r") as f:
s +=
s += "# Launch script for VM name: "
s += f"{self._vm_name}\n"
s += "\n"
with open(self.script_template_path, "r") as f:,0)
s +=
s += """
# The followings are generated by
s += "\n"
s += "# Defining variables that describe VM types\n"
for name, value in self._vm_descriptors.items():
s += f"{name}={value}\n"
s += "\n"
s += "# Initializing\n"
for command in self._init_commands:
s += f"{command}\n"
s += "\n"
s += """
# Note for developers: The number of available logical CPUs depends on the
# number of enabled cores and whether Hyperthreading is enabled in the BIOS
# settings. CPU IDs are assigned to each logical CPU but are not the same ID
# value throughout the system:
# Native CPU_ID:
# ID enumerated by the Linux Kernel and shown in the
# ACRN Configurator's CPU Affinity option (used in the scenario.xml)
# Service VM CPU_ID:
# ID assigned by the Service VM at runtime
# Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller's unique ID as
# enumerated by the board inspector (used in this launch script)
# This table shows equivalent CPU IDs for this scenario and board:
s += "\n"
s += "# Native CPU_ID Service VM CPU_ID APIC_ID\n"
s += "# ------------- ----------------- -------\n"
vcpu_id = 0
for cpu_info in self._cpu_dict:
s += "# "
s += f"{cpu_info:3d}{'':17s}"
s += f"{vcpu_id:3d}{'':17s}"
s += f"{self._cpu_dict[cpu_info]:3d}\n"
vcpu_id += 1
s += "\n"
s += "# Invoking ACRN device model\n"
s += "dm_params=(\n"
for param in self._dm_parameters:
s += f" {param}\n"
s += ")\n\n"
s += "echo \"Launch device model with parameters: ${dm_params[@]}\"\n"
s += "acrn-dm \"${dm_params[@]}\"\n\n"
s += "# Deinitializing\n"
for command in self._deinit_commands:
s += f"{command}\n"
return s
def write_to_file(self, path):
with open(path, "w") as f:
f.write(self.to_string())"Successfully generated launch script {path} for VM '{self._vm_name}'.")
def add_virtual_device(self, kind, vbdf=None, options=""):
if "virtio" in kind and eval_xpath(self._vm_scenario_etree, ".//vm_type/text()") == "RTVM":
self.add_plain_dm_parameter("--virtio_poll 1000000")
if vbdf is None:
vbdf = self._vbdf_allocator.get_virtual_bdf()
self.add_dynamic_dm_parameter("add_virtual_device", f"{vbdf} {kind} {options}")
def add_passthru_device(self, bus, dev, fun, options=""):
device_etree = eval_xpath(
f"//bus[@type='pci' and @address='0x{bus:x}']/device[@address='0x{(dev << 16) | fun:x}']"
if not options:
options = self._passthru_options.get_option(device_etree, self._vm_scenario_etree)
vbdf = self._vbdf_allocator.get_virtual_bdf(device_etree, options)
self.add_dynamic_dm_parameter("add_passthrough_device", f"{vbdf} 0000:{bus:02x}:{dev:02x}.{fun} {options}")
# Enable interrupt storm monitoring if the VM has any passthrough device other than the integrated GPU (whose
# vBDF is fixed to 2)
if vbdf != 2:
self.add_dynamic_dm_parameter("add_interrupt_storm_monitor", "10000 10 1 100")
def has_dm_parameter(self, fn):
next(filter(fn, self._dm_parameters))
return True
except StopIteration:
return False
def cpu_id_to_lapic_id(board_etree, vm_name, cpu):
lapic_id = eval_xpath(board_etree, f"//processors//thread[cpu_id='{cpu}']/apic_id/text()", None)
if lapic_id is not None:
return int(lapic_id, 16)
logging.warning(f"CPU {cpu} is not defined in the board XML, so it can't be available to VM {vm_name}")
return None
def get_slot_by_vbdf(vbdf):
if vbdf is not None:
return int((vbdf.split(":")[1].split(".")[0]), 16)
return None
def generate_for_one_vm(board_etree, hv_scenario_etree, vm_scenario_etree, vm_id):
vm_name = eval_xpath(vm_scenario_etree, "./name/text()", f"ACRN Post-Launched VM")
script = LaunchScript(board_etree, vm_name, vm_scenario_etree)
# VM types and guest OSes
if eval_xpath(vm_scenario_etree, ".//os_type/text()") == "Windows OS":
script.add_vm_descriptor("vm_type", f"'{eval_xpath(vm_scenario_etree, './/vm_type/text()', 'STANDARD_VM')}'")
script.add_vm_descriptor("scheduler", f"'{eval_xpath(hv_scenario_etree, './/SCHEDULER/text()')}'")
script.add_vm_descriptor("own_pcpu", f"'{eval_xpath(vm_scenario_etree, './/own_pcpu/text()')}'")
# CPU and memory resources
cpus = set(eval_xpath_all(vm_scenario_etree, ".//cpu_affinity//pcpu_id[text() != '']/text()"))
lapic_ids = [x for x in [cpu_id_to_lapic_id(board_etree, vm_name, cpu_id) for cpu_id in cpus] if x != None]
if lapic_ids:
script.add_dynamic_dm_parameter("add_cpus", f"{' '.join([str(x) for x in sorted(lapic_ids)])}")
script.add_plain_dm_parameter(f"-m {eval_xpath(vm_scenario_etree, './/memory/size/text()')}M")
if eval_xpath(vm_scenario_etree, "//SSRAM_ENABLED") == "y" and \
eval_xpath(vm_scenario_etree, ".//vm_type/text()") == "RTVM":
# Guest BIOS
if eval_xpath(vm_scenario_etree, ".//vbootloader/text()") == "y":
script.add_plain_dm_parameter("--ovmf /usr/share/acrn/bios/OVMF.fd")
# Devices
# Emulated platform devices
if eval_xpath(vm_scenario_etree, ".//vm_type/text()") != "RTVM":
script.add_virtual_device("lpc", vbdf="1:0")
if eval_xpath(vm_scenario_etree, ".//vuart0/text()") == "y":
script.add_plain_dm_parameter("-l com1,stdio")
# Emulated PCI devices
script.add_virtual_device("hostbridge", vbdf="0:0")
#ivshmem and vuart must be the first virtual devices generated before the others except hostbridge and LPC
#ivshmem and vuart own reserved slots which setting by user
for ivshmem in eval_xpath_all(vm_scenario_etree, f"//IVSHMEM_REGION[PROVIDED_BY = 'Device Model' and .//VM_NAME = '{vm_name}']"):
vbdf = eval_xpath(ivshmem, f".//VBDF/text()")
slot = get_slot_by_vbdf(vbdf)
if ivshmem.find('IVSHMEM_REGION_ID') is not None:
script.add_virtual_device("ivshmem", slot, options=f"dm:/{ivshmem.find('NAME').text},{ivshmem.find('IVSHMEM_SIZE').text},{ivshmem.find('IVSHMEM_REGION_ID').text}")
script.add_virtual_device("ivshmem", slot, options=f"dm:/{ivshmem.find('NAME').text},{ivshmem.find('IVSHMEM_SIZE').text},{0}")
for ivshmem in eval_xpath_all(vm_scenario_etree, f"//IVSHMEM_REGION[PROVIDED_BY = 'Hypervisor' and .//VM_NAME = '{vm_name}']"):
vbdf = eval_xpath(ivshmem, f".//VBDF/text()")
slot = get_slot_by_vbdf(vbdf)
if ivshmem.find('IVSHMEM_REGION_ID') is not None:
script.add_virtual_device("ivshmem", slot, options=f"hv:/{ivshmem.find('NAME').text},{ivshmem.find('IVSHMEM_SIZE').text},{ivshmem.find('IVSHMEM_REGION_ID').text}")
script.add_virtual_device("ivshmem", slot, options=f"hv:/{ivshmem.find('NAME').text},{ivshmem.find('IVSHMEM_SIZE').text},{0}")
if eval_xpath(vm_scenario_etree, ".//console_vuart/text()") == "PCI":
script.add_virtual_device("uart", options="vuart_idx:0")
for idx, conn in enumerate(eval_xpath_all(hv_scenario_etree, f"//vuart_connection[endpoint/vm_name/text() = '{vm_name}']"), start=1):
if eval_xpath(conn, f"./type/text()") == "pci":
vbdf = eval_xpath(conn, f"./endpoint[vm_name/text() = '{vm_name}']/vbdf/text()")
slot = get_slot_by_vbdf(vbdf)
script.add_virtual_device("uart", slot, options=f"vuart_idx:{idx}")
xhci_params = []
# Mediated PCI devices, including virtio
for usb_xhci in eval_xpath_all(vm_scenario_etree, ".//usb_xhci/usb_dev[text() != '']/text()"):
bus_port = usb_xhci.split(' ')[0]
if xhci_params:
script.add_virtual_device("xhci", options=",".join(xhci_params))
for virtio_input_etree in eval_xpath_all(vm_scenario_etree, ".//virtio_devices/input"):
backend_device_file = eval_xpath(virtio_input_etree, "./backend_device_file[text() != '']/text()")
unique_identifier = eval_xpath(virtio_input_etree, "./id[text() != '']/text()")
if backend_device_file is not None and unique_identifier is not None:
script.add_virtual_device("virtio-input", options=f"{backend_device_file},id:{unique_identifier}")
elif backend_device_file is not None:
script.add_virtual_device("virtio-input", options=backend_device_file)
for virtio_console_etree in eval_xpath_all(vm_scenario_etree, ".//virtio_devices/console"):
preceding_mask = ""
use_type = eval_xpath(virtio_console_etree, "./use_type/text()")
backend_type = eval_xpath(virtio_console_etree, "./backend_type/text()")
if use_type == "Virtio console":
preceding_mask = "@"
if backend_type == "file":
output_file_path = eval_xpath(virtio_console_etree, "./output_file_path/text()")
script.add_virtual_device("virtio-console", options=f"{preceding_mask}file:file_port={output_file_path}")
elif backend_type == "tty":
tty_file_path = eval_xpath(virtio_console_etree, "./tty_device_path/text()")
script.add_virtual_device("virtio-console", options=f"{preceding_mask}tty:tty_port={tty_file_path}")
elif backend_type == "sock server" or backend_type == "sock client":
sock_file_path = eval_xpath(virtio_console_etree, "./sock_file_path/text()")
script.add_virtual_device("virtio-console", options=f"socket:{os.path.basename(sock_file_path).split('.')[0]}={sock_file_path}:{backend_type.replace('sock ', '')}")
elif backend_type == "pty" or backend_type == "stdio":
script.add_virtual_device("virtio-console", options=f"{preceding_mask}{backend_type}:{backend_type}_port")
for virtio_network_etree in eval_xpath_all(vm_scenario_etree, ".//virtio_devices/network"):
virtio_framework = eval_xpath(virtio_network_etree, "./virtio_framework/text()")
interface_name = eval_xpath(virtio_network_etree, "./interface_name/text()")
params = interface_name.split(",", maxsplit=1)
tap_conf = f"tap={params[0]}"
params = [tap_conf] + params[1:]
if virtio_framework == "Kernel based (Virtual Host)":
script.add_init_command(f"mac=$(cat /sys/class/net/e*/address)")
script.add_virtual_device("virtio-net", options=",".join(params))
for virtio_block in eval_xpath_all(vm_scenario_etree, ".//virtio_devices/block[text() != '']/text()"):
params = virtio_block.split(":", maxsplit=1)
if len(params) == 1:
script.add_virtual_device("virtio-blk", options=virtio_block)
block_device = params[0]
rootfs_img = params[1]
var = f"dir_{os.path.basename(block_device)}"
script.add_init_command(f"{var}=`mount_partition {block_device}`")
script.add_virtual_device("virtio-blk", options=os.path.join(f"${{{var}}}", rootfs_img))
script.add_deinit_command(f"unmount_partition ${{{var}}}")
for gpu_etree in eval_xpath_all(vm_scenario_etree, ".//virtio_devices/gpu[./display_type]"):
display_type = eval_xpath(gpu_etree, "./display_type[text() != '']/text()")
params = list()
for display_etree in eval_xpath_all(gpu_etree, "./displays/display"):
if display_type == "Window":
window_resolutions = eval_xpath(display_etree, "./window_resolutions/text()")
horizontal_offset = eval_xpath(display_etree, "./horizontal_offset/text()")
vertical_offset = eval_xpath(display_etree, "./vertical_offset/text()")
if display_type == "Full screen":
monitor_id = eval_xpath(display_etree, "./monitor_id/text()")
script.add_virtual_device("virtio-gpu", options=",".join(params))
for vsock in eval_xpath_all(vm_scenario_etree, ".//virtio_devices/vsock[text() != '']/text()"):
script.add_virtual_device("vhost-vsock", options="cid="+vsock)
# Passthrough PCI devices
bdf_regex = re.compile("([0-9a-f]{2}):([0-1][0-9a-f]).([0-7])")
for passthru_device in eval_xpath_all(vm_scenario_etree, ".//pci_devs/*/text()"):
m = bdf_regex.match(passthru_device)
if not m:
bus = int(, 16)
dev = int(, 16)
func = int(, 16)
script.add_passthru_device(bus, dev, func)
# Miscellaneous
if eval_xpath(vm_scenario_etree, ".//vm_type/text()") == "RTVM":
if eval_xpath(vm_scenario_etree, ".//lapic_passthrough/text()") == "y":
script.add_dynamic_dm_parameter("add_logger_settings", "console=4 kmsg=3 disk=5")
# Lastly, conclude the device model parameters with the VM name
customized_parameters = eval_xpath(vm_scenario_etree, ".//customized_parameters/text()")
if customized_parameters is not None:
customized_parameters = shlex.quote(customized_parameters)
return script
def main(board_xml, scenario_xml, user_vm_id, out_dir):
board_etree = etree.parse(board_xml)
scenario_etree = etree.parse(scenario_xml)
service_vm_id = eval_xpath(scenario_etree, "//vm[load_order = 'SERVICE_VM']/@id")
service_vm_name = eval_xpath(scenario_etree, "//vm[load_order = 'SERVICE_VM']/name/text()")
hv_scenario_etree = eval_xpath(scenario_etree, "//hv")
post_vms = eval_xpath_all(scenario_etree, "//vm[load_order = 'POST_LAUNCHED_VM']")
if service_vm_id is None and len(post_vms) > 0:
logging.error("The scenario does not define a service VM so no launch scripts will be generated for the post-launched VMs in the scenario.")
return 1
service_vm_id = int(service_vm_id)
# Service VM CPU list
pre_all_cpus = eval_xpath_all(scenario_etree, "//vm[load_order = 'PRE_LAUNCHED_VM']/cpu_affinity//pcpu_id/text()")
cpus_for_sos = sorted([int(x) for x in eval_xpath_all(board_etree, "//processors//thread//cpu_id/text()") if x not in pre_all_cpus])
except FileExistsError:
if os.path.isfile(out_dir):
logging.error(f"Cannot create output directory {out_dir}: File exists")
return 1
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Cannot create output directory: {e}")
return 1
if user_vm_id == 0:
post_vm_ids = [int(vm_scenario_etree.get("id")) for vm_scenario_etree in post_vms]
post_vm_ids = [user_vm_id + service_vm_id]
for post_vm in post_vms:
post_vm_id = int(post_vm.get("id"))
if post_vm_id not in post_vm_ids:
script = generate_for_one_vm(board_etree, hv_scenario_etree, post_vm, post_vm_id)
script.add_sos_cpu_dict([(x, cpu_id_to_lapic_id(board_etree, service_vm_name, x)) for x in cpus_for_sos])
script.write_to_file(os.path.join(out_dir, f"launch_user_vm_id{post_vm_id - service_vm_id}.sh"))
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--board", help="the XML file summarizing characteristics of the target board")
parser.add_argument("--scenario", help="the XML file specifying the scenario to be set up")
parser.add_argument("--launch", default=None, help="(obsoleted. DO NOT USE)")
parser.add_argument("--user_vmid", type=int, default=0,
help="the post-launched VM ID (as is specified in the launch XML) whose launch script is to be generated, or 0 if all post-launched VMs shall be processed")
parser.add_argument("--out", default="output", help="path to the directory where generated scripts are placed")
args = parser.parse_args()
sys.exit(main(args.board, args.scenario, args.user_vmid, args.out))