.. _trusty_tee: Trusty TEE ########## Introduction ************ `Trusty`_ is a set of software components supporting a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). TEE is commonly known as an isolated processing environment in which applications can be securely executed irrespective of the rest of the system. For more information about TEE, visit the `Trusted Execution Environment wiki page `_. Trusty consists of: 1. An operating system (the Trusty OS) that runs on a processor intended to provide a TEE #. Drivers for the Android kernel (Linux) to facilitate communication with applications running under the Trusty OS #. A set of libraries for Android/Linux systems software to facilitate communication with trusted applications executed within the Trusty OS using the kernel drivers LK (`Little Kernel`_) is a tiny operating system suited for small embedded devices, bootloaders, and other environments where OS primitives such as threads, mutexes, and timers are needed, but there's a desire to keep things small and lightweight. LK has been chosen as the Trusty OS kernel. Trusty Architecture ******************* .. figure:: images/trusty-arch.png :align: center :width: 800px :name: trusty-architectural-diagram Trusty Architectural Diagram .. note:: The Trusty OS is running in the Secure World in the architecture drawing above. .. _trusty-hypercalls: Trusty Specific Hypercalls ************************** There are a few :ref:`hypercall_apis` that are related to Trusty. .. doxygengroup:: trusty_hypercall :project: Project ACRN :content-only: Trusty Boot Flow **************** By design, the User VM OS bootloader will trigger the Trusty boot process. The complete boot flow is illustrated below. .. graphviz:: images/trusty-boot-flow.dot :name: trusty-boot-flow :align: center :caption: Trusty Boot Flow As shown in the above figure, here are some details about the Trusty boot flow processing: 1. User VM OS bootloader a. Load and verify Trusty image from virtual disk #. Allocate runtime memory for Trusty #. Do ELF relocation of Trusty image and get entry address #. Call ``hcall_initialize_trusty`` with Trusty memory base and entry address #. ACRN (``hcall_initialize_trusty``) a. Save World context for Normal World #. Init World context for Secure World (RIP, RSP, EPT, etc.) #. Resume to Secure World #. Trusty a. Booting #. Call ``hcall_world_switch`` to switch back to Normal World if boot completed #. ACRN (``hcall_world_switch``) a. Save World context for the World that caused this ``vmexit`` (Secure World) #. Restore World context for next World (Normal World: User VM OS bootloader) #. Resume to next World (User VM OS bootloader) #. User VM OS bootloader a. Continue to boot EPT Hierarchy ************* As per the Trusty design, Trusty can access the Normal World's memory, but the Normal World cannot access the Secure World's memory. Hence it means the Secure World EPTP page table hierarchy must contain the Normal World GPA address space, while the Trusty world's GPA address space must be removed from the Normal World EPTP page table hierarchy. Design ====== Put the Secure World's GPA to a very high position: 511 GB - 512 GB. The PML4/PDPT for the Trusty World are separated from the Normal World. PD and PT for low memory (< 511 GB) are shared in both the Trusty World's EPT and the Normal World's EPT. PD and PT for high memory (>= 511 GB) are valid for the Trusty World's EPT only. Benefit ======= This design will benefit the EPT changes of the Normal World. There are requirements to modify the Normal World's EPT during runtime such as increasing memory and changing attributes. If such behavior happens, only PD and PT for the Normal World need to be updated. .. figure:: images/ept-hierarchy.png :align: center :width: 800px :name: ept-hierarchy EPT Hierarchy API === .. doxygengroup:: trusty_apis :project: Project ACRN :content-only: .. _Trusty: https://source.android.com/security/trusty/ .. _Little Kernel: https://github.com/littlekernel/lk