ACRN Debianization ================== ACRN is a flexible, lightweight reference hypervisor, built with real-time and safety-criticality in mind, optimized to streamline embedded development through an open source platform. This part represents the debianization for ACRN. Table of Contents ----------------- 1. `Building <#building>`__ 2. `Development Build from Source Package <#development-build-from-source-package>`__ 3. `Package Maintenance <#package-maintenance>`__ 4. `Special Package Properties <#special-package-properties>`__ 5. `About initramfs on Debian/Ubuntu Systems <#about-initramfs-on-debianubuntu-systems>`__ 6. `Scenario Configuration - GRUB configuration <#scenario-configuration---grub-configuration>`__ 7. `Known Build Warnings <#known-build-warnings>`__ 8. `General Remarks and Restrictions <#general-remarks-and-restrictions>`__ The Debian source package ``acrn-hypervisor`` provides the following Debian packages: - ``acrn-dev``: Public headers and libraries for ACRN manager. - ``acrn-devicemodel``: Device model for ACRN Hypervisor - ``acrn-doc``: Reference to ACRN Documentation - ``acrn-hypervisor``: ACRN Hypervisor for IoT - ``acrn-lifemngr``: ACRN life manager service - ``acrn-system``: metapackage to deploy a minimum of ACRN packages - ``acrn-tools``: Supplementary tools for ACRN Hypervisor - ``acrnd``: ACRN Hypervisor control daemon - ``grub-acrn``: Grub setup scripts for ACRN Hypervisor - ``python3-acrn-board-inspector``: Generate Board Configuration for ACRN Building -------- The ``acrn-hypervisor`` source package uses ``git-buildpackage`` (``gbp``) for package building (see ``debian/gbp.conf``). For more information on ``gbp`` refer to the `Git-Buildpackage manual `__. To ease the build process a shell script wrapper around a docker controlled build is provided: :: debian/docker/ This script features the ``DISTRO`` and ``VENDOR`` environment variables to set the Debian or Ubuntu distribution the ACRN packages are built for. ``VENDOR`` defaults to ``debian`` and ``DISTRO`` defaults to ``stable``, which then is transformed to its canonical name (``bullseye`` for now). To build ACRN packages on master branch for Debian Buster use: :: VENDOR=debian DISTRO=buster debian/docker/ or for Ubuntu 20.04: VENDOR=ubuntu DISTRO=focal debian/docker/ If building on any other branch, the ``debian/gbp.conf`` file has to be adapted accordingly. To override this necessity simply add a ``--git-ignore-branch``: :: debian/docker/ --git-ignore-branch This not only builds the ACRN packages listed above, but eventually all required packages (for build or runtime), too. Remark: Since the required, dependent package repositories are accessed at build time, your build machine needs a properly configured internet access. All these build results including the required third party packages are located in the ``build/`` folder and prepared to be used as a local APT repository. To use it as such, add a proper apt configuration (assuming the result folder has been copied to ``/apt``): :: echo "deb [trusted=yes] file:/apt ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/acrn-local.list echo "deb-src [trusted=yes] file:/apt ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/acrn-local.list Now ``apt update`` will also take into account all the local packages, so you can easily install, e.g. board-inspector via: :: apt install python3-acrn-board-inspector This will install python3-acrn-board-inspector with all required dependencies. Development Build from Source Package ------------------------------------- Once the local APT repository is in place, it can also be used to quickly create proprietary built ACRN packages from the acrn-hypervisor soure package, e.g. to add a new scenario for testing or change the list of supported board. Many thanks to Pirouf for bringing in this idea! :: apt-get install devscripts build-essential cd apt-get source acrn-hypervisor apt-get build-dep acrn-hypervisor cd acrn-hypervisor- Now you can make your changes, e.g. use a new board and scenario, preferrably using ``debian/config`` as a hook directory for proprietary configurations, see also `debian/configs/README.rst `__: :: mkdir -p debian/config/newboard cp /newboard.xml debian/config/newboard/newboard.xml cp /newscenario.xml debian/config/newboard/newscenario.xml cat << EOF > debian/config/ ACRN_BOARDLIST += newboard ACRN_SCENARIOLIST += newscenario EOF dpkg-buildpackage The resulting packages are then located in ````. Package Maintenance ------------------- During development ``debian/changelog`` should always present the ``UNRELEASED`` stage of package build. Before creating new (temporary) packages ``debian/changelog`` can be easily updated using :: DEBEMAIL=" DEBFULLNAME="" gbp dch --snapshot --git-ignore-branch This updates/creates an ``UNRELEASED`` changelog entry, which has to be committed separately. BTW, I always use the following to align with what is already configured in git: :: DEBEMAIL=$(git config DEBFULLNAME=$(git config gbp dch --snapshot --git-ignore-branch At release create a proper entry using :: DEBEMAIL=" DEBFULLNAME="" gbp dch --release This fires up the editor to review the newly created ``debian/changelog`` entry. Edit, save and commit it to finish the package release from a Debian point of view. Special Package Properties -------------------------- acrn-hypervisor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This package contains multiple ACRN hypervisor binaries, with the final binary being chosen usually at install time via Debian’s ``debconf`` mechanism. This allows you to choose the board as well as the respective scenario but still use the same Debian package for various hardware platforms. **WARNING** Always choose an appropriate board/scenario setting! Wrong settings may refuse to boot! You can also preseed your choice by setting the respective ``debconf`` keys ``acrn-hypervisor/board`` and ``acrn-hypervisor/scenario``, e.g. during image creation. Please refer to for details. To reconfigure the choice later, use :: dpkg-reconfigure acrn-hypervisor The ACRN hypervisor configurations are chosen as follows: All directories given in ``CONFIGDIRS`` in ```` are searched for valid board- and scenario-configuration files. The ``ACRN_BOARDLIST`` and ``ACRN_SCENARIOLIST`` in ```` can be used to restrict the hypervisor/scenario configurations built into ``acrn-hypervisor`` package. If unset, all possible configurations found under the directories given are built. acrn-lifemngr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To adapt the needs of a Debian distribution the service file has been adapted and a start script wrapper added to automatically set up the parameters for User VMs or the Service VM. acrnd ~~~~~ There is also an adapted variant for the systemd service file. As for ``acrn-lifemngr`` this also is provided as part of the Debian packaging process rather than patching the files provided with the sources. About initramfs on Debian/Ubuntu Systems ---------------------------------------- If the ``ramdisk_mod`` node in the scenario configuration is empty (at the moment this is true especially for all ``shared`` scenarios), an initrd/initramfs image is neither required nor used. Grub config helper then creates a rootfs parameter using the respective device name at install time, like ``/dev/sda2``. Since this depends on device enumeration of the kernel, which might change when additional storage devices are added (your ``/dev/sda2`` might turn into e.g. ``/dev/sdb2``, but your grub configuration stays unchanged!) Debian/Ubuntu decided to use UUIDs to identify the storage device partitions. This is implemented by respective scripts provided in initrd/initramfs and **NOT** within the kernel, so apparently initrd/initramfs is required! To use this feature properly (as the standard distribution setup does) add a ``ramdisk_mod`` node value (usually ``Linux_initrd``) in the scenario configuration and provide a kernel package with initrd/initramfs support. This is state-of-the-art nowadays and also supported by the acrn-kernel service vm configuration. It enables the UUID boot device support and avoids the device enumeration issues completely, see the ``shared+initrd`` scenarios in ``debian/configs`` for an example. Scenario Configuration - GRUB configuration ------------------------------------------- The following subnodes of the ``SERVICE_VM`` node (VM with ``load_order=SERVICE_VM``) are considered by grub-acrn when creating the GRUB menu entries for ACRN: - ``kern_mod`` must not be empty to add a menu entry - ``ramdisk_mod`` enables initrd/initramfs image usage (see above) - ``bootargs``: kernel boot parameters, that are added to the kernel boot command line. Exception: ``rootfs`` parameter is ignored, since this is automatically determined by GRUB config helpers. This can be used e.g. to add ``hvlog`` parameter for logging support. Known Build Warnings -------------------- Depending to which distribution the build is targeted, the following warnings can occur, but can safely be ignored: - in ``override_dh_strip`` build stage: These warnings only occur in builds for the most recent distributions, but do not harm the binary packages. The usability of dbgsym packages is questionable in this case (untested). - ``debugedit: .debug_line offset 0xXXXX referenced multiple times`` - ``Unknown DWARF DW_FORM 0xXXXX`` - in ``override_dh_auto_build-indep`` build stage: - ``package init file '<...>/' not found (or not a regular file)`` This is a result of the the python components not being structured for packaging with setuptools. The warnings are harmless and do not imply any restrictions to the python packages. - in ``override_dh_auto_install-arch`` build stage - ``/usr/bin/ld: <...>/boot_mod.a(cpu_primary.o): warning: relocation in read-only section 'multiboot_header'`` This warning is emitted on all but the oldest distros (gcc/binutils version dependent?). **This might be of concern and must be investigated.** Up till now, no issues have been found when using the binaries triggering this warning. - lintian - ``elf-error In program headers: Unable to find program interpreter name`` This is a known issue, see `Debian Bug#1000977 `__ and `Debian Bug#1000449 `__. General Remarks and Restrictions -------------------------------- - ACRN >=2.6 needs a Linux 5.10 kernel with the respective Intel/ACRN patches applied, see `Project ACRN Documentation `__ for details. - The packages are built in debug mode to be able to access the HV console. This can be changed by setting the ``RELEASE`` variable in ``debian/rules`` to 1. - The built configurations are restricted to the hardware platforms available for testing. - The systemd services provided by various ACRN packages are enabled at install time but not started, since they are most likely installed on a non-ACRN system which requires a reboot anyway. Only the acrn-tools related services (acrnlog, acrnprobe, usercrash) might be installed on a running ACRN system and then either need a reboot or must be started manually (``systemd start ``). - acrn-configurator is still under heavy development and therefore not yet packaged. -- Helmut Buchsbaum Sat, 06 May 2022 20:07:19 +0200