.. _ACRN_home: Project ACRN documentation ########################## Welcome to the Project ACRN (version |version|) documentation. For information about the changes and additions for releases, please consult the published :ref:`release_notes` documentation. Source code for Project ACRN is maintained in the `Project ACRN GitHub repo`_, and is provided under the BSD 3-clause license. .. _BSD 3-clause license: https://github.com/projectacrn/acrn-hypervisor/blob/master/LICENSE .. _Project ACRN GitHub repo: https://github.com/projectacrn Sections ******** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 introduction/index.rst getting-started/index.rst hardware.rst user-guides/index.rst developer-guides/index.rst tutorials/index.rst release_notes.rst Indices and Tables ****************** * :ref:`glossary` * :ref:`genindex`