/* * Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #include #include #define NUM_USER_VMS 2U /* Number of CPUs in VM1 */ #define VM1_NUM_CPUS 2U /* Logical CPU IDs assigned to this VM */ uint16_t VM1_CPUS[VM1_NUM_CPUS] = {0U, 2U}; /* Number of CPUs in VM2 */ #define VM2_NUM_CPUS 2U /* Logical CPU IDs assigned with this VM */ uint16_t VM2_CPUS[VM2_NUM_CPUS] = {3U, 1U}; static struct vpci_vdev_array vpci_vdev_array1 = { .num_pci_vdev = 2, .vpci_vdev_list = { {/*vdev 0: hostbridge */ .vbdf.bits = {.b = 0x00U, .d = 0x00U, .f = 0x0U}, .ops = &pci_ops_vdev_hostbridge, .bar = {}, .pdev = { .bdf.bits = {.b = 0x00U, .d = 0x00U, .f = 0x0U}, } }, {/*vdev 1: SATA controller*/ .vbdf.bits = {.b = 0x00U, .d = 0x01U, .f = 0x0U}, .ops = &pci_ops_vdev_pt, .bar = { [0] = { .base = 0UL, .size = 0x2000UL, .type = PCIBAR_MEM32 }, [1] = { .base = 0UL, .size = 0x1000UL, .type = PCIBAR_MEM32 }, [5] = { .base = 0UL, .size = 0x1000UL, .type = PCIBAR_MEM32 }, }, .pdev = { .bdf.bits = {.b = 0x00U, .d = 0x12U, .f = 0x0U}, .bar = { [0] = { .base = 0xb3f10000UL, .size = 0x2000UL, .type = PCIBAR_MEM32 }, [1] = { .base = 0xb3f53000UL, .size = 0x100UL, .type = PCIBAR_MEM32 }, [5] = { .base = 0xb3f52000UL, .size = 0x800UL, .type = PCIBAR_MEM32 }, } } }, } }; static struct vpci_vdev_array vpci_vdev_array2 = { .num_pci_vdev = 3, .vpci_vdev_list = { {/*vdev 0: hostbridge*/ .vbdf.bits = {.b = 0x00U, .d = 0x00U, .f = 0x0U}, .ops = &pci_ops_vdev_hostbridge, .bar = {}, .pdev = { .bdf.bits = {.b = 0x00U, .d = 0x00U, .f = 0x0U}, } }, {/*vdev 1: USB controller*/ .vbdf.bits = {.b = 0x00U, .d = 0x01U, .f = 0x0U}, .ops = &pci_ops_vdev_pt, .bar = { [0] = { .base = 0UL, .size = 0x10000UL, .type = PCIBAR_MEM32 }, }, .pdev = { .bdf.bits = {.b = 0x00U, .d = 0x15U, .f = 0x0U}, .bar = { [0] = { .base = 0xb3f00000UL, .size = 0x10000UL, .type = PCIBAR_MEM64 }, } } }, {/*vdev 2: Ethernet*/ .vbdf.bits = {.b = 0x00U, .d = 0x02U, .f = 0x0U}, .ops = &pci_ops_vdev_pt, .bar = { [0] = { .base = 0UL, .size = 0x80000UL, .type = PCIBAR_MEM32 }, [3] = { .base = 0UL, .size = 0x4000UL, .type = PCIBAR_MEM32 }, }, .pdev = { .bdf.bits = {.b = 0x02U, .d = 0x00U, .f = 0x0U}, .bar = { [0] = { .base = 0xb3c00000UL, .size = 0x80000UL, .type = PCIBAR_MEM32 }, [3] = { .base = 0xb3c80000UL, .size = 0x4000UL, .type = PCIBAR_MEM32 }, } } }, } }; /*******************************/ /* User Defined VM definitions */ /*******************************/ struct vm_description_array vm_desc_partition = { /* Number of user virtual machines */ .num_vm_desc = NUM_USER_VMS, /* Virtual Machine descriptions */ .vm_desc_array = { { /* Internal variable, MUSTBE init to -1 */ .vm_hw_num_cores = VM1_NUM_CPUS, .vm_pcpu_ids = &VM1_CPUS[0], .vm_id = 1U, .start_hpa = 0x100000000UL, .mem_size = 0x20000000UL, /* uses contiguous memory from host */ .vm_vuart = true, .bootargs = "root=/dev/sda3 rw rootwait noxsave maxcpus=2 nohpet console=hvc0 \ console=ttyS2 no_timer_check ignore_loglevel log_buf_len=16M \ consoleblank=0 tsc=reliable xapic_phys", .vpci_vdev_array = &vpci_vdev_array1, .mptable = &mptable_vm1, }, { /* Internal variable, MUSTBE init to -1 */ .vm_hw_num_cores = VM2_NUM_CPUS, .vm_pcpu_ids = &VM2_CPUS[0], .vm_id = 2U, .start_hpa = 0x120000000UL, .mem_size = 0x20000000UL, /* uses contiguous memory from host */ .vm_vuart = true, .bootargs = "root=/dev/sda3 rw rootwait noxsave maxcpus=2 nohpet console=hvc0 \ console=ttyS2 no_timer_check ignore_loglevel log_buf_len=16M \ consoleblank=0 tsc=reliable xapic_phys", .vpci_vdev_array = &vpci_vdev_array2, .mptable = &mptable_vm2, .lapic_pt = true, }, } }; const struct pcpu_vm_desc_mapping pcpu_vm_desc_map[] = { { .vm_desc_ptr = &vm_desc_partition.vm_desc_array[0], .is_bsp = true, }, { .vm_desc_ptr = &vm_desc_partition.vm_desc_array[1], .is_bsp = false, }, { .vm_desc_ptr = &vm_desc_partition.vm_desc_array[0], .is_bsp = false, }, { .vm_desc_ptr = &vm_desc_partition.vm_desc_array[1], .is_bsp = true, }, }; const struct e820_entry e820_default_entries[NUM_E820_ENTRIES] = { { /* 0 to mptable */ .baseaddr = 0x0U, .length = 0xEFFFFU, .type = E820_TYPE_RAM }, { /* mptable 65536U */ .baseaddr = 0xF0000U, .length = 0x10000U, .type = E820_TYPE_RESERVED }, { /* mptable to lowmem */ .baseaddr = 0x100000U, .length = 0x1FF00000U, .type = E820_TYPE_RAM }, { /* lowmem to PCI hole */ .baseaddr = 0x20000000U, .length = 0xa0000000U, .type = E820_TYPE_RESERVED }, { /* PCI hole to 4G */ .baseaddr = 0xe0000000U, .length = 0x20000000U, .type = E820_TYPE_RESERVED }, };