.. _scenario-config-options: Scenario Configuration Options ############################## As explained in :ref:`acrn_configuration_tool`, ACRN scenarios define the hypervisor (hv) and VM settings for the execution environment of an ACRN-based application. This document describes these option settings. .. rst-class:: rst-columns3 .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Common Option Value Types ************************* Within this option documentation, we refer to some common type definitions: Boolean A true or false value specified as either ``y`` or ``n``. Other values such as ``t`` or ``f`` are not supported. Hexadecimal A base-16 (integer) value represented by a leading ``0x`` or ``0X`` followed by one or more characters ``0`` to ``9``, ``a`` to ``f``, or ``A`` to ``F``. Integer A base-10 value represented by the characters ``0`` to ``9``. The first character must not be a ``0``. Only positive values are expected. String A sequence of UTF-8 characters. String-length limits or specific string value restrictions are defined in the option description. .. comment This configdoc.txt is generated during the doc build process from the acrn config schema files found in misc/config_tools/schema .. include:: configdoc.txt