ACRNLOG ####### DESCRIPTION ########### acrnlog is a userland tool to capture ACRN hypervisor log, it runs as an SOS service at boot. It captures two kinds of logs: - log of current running; - log of last running if crashed and logs remaining. The path to save log files is /tmp/acrnog/, so the log files would be lost after reset. USAGE ##### The acrnlog tool is launched as a service at boot, with 4 1MB log files limited. To change the log file limitation: - temporary change Stop the acrnlog service: # systemctl disable acrnlog Restart acrnlog running at backgroud with size and number of files. For example: # acrnlog -n 8 -s 4 & Use get_loglevel/set_loglevel to query and change the hypervisor loglevel. The mem_loglevel controls log to be saved using acrnlog, while console_loglevel controls log to output to console. For example: ACRN:\>get_loglevel console_loglevel: 2, mem_loglevel: 4 ACRN:\>set_loglevel 2 5 ACRN:\>get_loglevel console_loglevel: 2, mem_loglevel: 5 - permanent chagne Edit /usr/lib/systemd/system/acrnlog.service to attached the -n and -s options to the ExecStart cmd, and restart the service. For example: ExecStart=/usr/bin/acrnlog -n 8 -s 4 BUILD&INSTALLATION ################## # make copy acrnlog to /usr/bin/ and copy acrnlog.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/