.. _release_notes: Release Notes ############# Version 0.1 release (March 2018) ******************************** In March 2018, Intel announced the open source Project ACRN at the `Embedded Linux Conference and OpenIoT Summit North America 2018 `_. .. _ELC18: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/elc-openiot-north-america-2018/ ACRN is a flexible, lightweight reference hypervisor, built with real-time and safety-criticality in mind, optimized to streamline embedded development through an open source platform. Check out the :ref:`introduction` for more information. The project ACRN reference code can be found on GitHub in https://github.com/projectacrn. It includes the ACRN hypervisor, the ACRN device model, and documentation. ACRN's key features include: * Small footprint * Built with real-time in mind * Virtualization of embedded IoT device functions * Safety-critical workload considerations * Adaptable * Open Source This version 0.1 release has the following software components: * The ACRN Hypervisor * The ACRN Device Model * The ACRN Virtio framework * The ACRN Block & NIC & console Virtio drivers * The ACRN Virtio Backend Service(VBS) & Virtio and Hypervisor Service Module(VHM). Version 0.1 features include: * ACRN hypervisor (Type 1 hypervisor) * A hybrid VMM architecture implementation * Multiple User OS supported * VM management - such as VM start/stop/pause, virtual CPU pause/resume * CPU virtualization * Memory virtualization * I/O emulation * Virtual interrupt * VT-x and VT-d support * Hypercall for guest * Device emulation * Device pass-through mechanism * Device Emulation mechanism * Virtio console * Virt-network