Full Build and Installation Example =================================== This document shows the entire build and installation procedure for ACRN on a Debian/Ubuntu based distribution via apt package management only. Prerequisites used in this example: - `Maxtang AXWL10 `__ Whiskey Lake based Industrial PC - `Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server (Jammy Jellyfish) `__ Remark: This guide only serves as an example and may deviate in certain steps depending on the chosen distribution. It has also been successfully applied for: - `Intel NUC7i7DNHE `__ Kaby Lake based PC using `Debian 10 (Buster `__ - `Siemens Simatic IPC227G `__ Elkhart Lake based Industrial PC using `Debian 11 (Bullseye) `__ - `TTTech MFN 100 `__ Apollo Lake based Industrial PC using `Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server (Focal Fossa) `__ Table of Contents ----------------- 1. `Basic installation on target <#basic-installation-on-target>`__ 2. `Build the ACRN kernel for the Service VM <#build-the-acrn-kernel-for-the-service-vm>`__ 3. `Build & Deploy ACRN Debian Packages <#build--deploy-acrn-debian-packages>`__ 4. `ACRN Package Reconfiguration <#acrn-package-reconfiguration>`__ 5. `ACRN Removal <#acrn-removal>`__ Basic installation on target ---------------------------- - Use the install ISO for basic installation of your distribution - optional for Ubuntu: remove cloud-init and snap, reconfigure netplan to get faster boot times (we’re rebooting often!) - optional for Ubuntu: enable grub menu in ``/etc/default/grub``: - Comment out ``GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden`` -> ``#GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden`` - Set a reasonable timeout: ``GRUB_TIMEOUT=0`` -> ``GRUB_TIMEOUT=3`` - When finished update grub config: :: root@target:~# update-grub - optional: enable serial console for grub in ``/etc/default/grub`` (can be used on otherwise headless systems): - Add to or edit in ``/etc/default/grub``: :: GRUB_TERMINAL=“console serial” GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND=“serial –unit=0 –speed=115200 –word=8 –parity=no –stop=1” - When finished update grub config: :: root@target:~# update-grub - Remark: Choose an appropriate legacy serial port: ``–unit=0 <-> ttyS0``, see `GRUB Manual `__ - Verify by connecting a serial terminal to the target. On reboot the grub menu should be displayed: :: GNU GRUB version 2.06 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |*Ubuntu | | Advanced options for Ubuntu | | UEFI Firmware Settings | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the selected OS, `e' to edit the commands before booting or `c' for a command-line. ESC to return previous menu. - optional: enable root ssh access on target and deploy your public keys for easy install access - Prepare local APT repository for install: :: root@target:~# mkdir /apt Build the ACRN kernel for the Service VM ---------------------------------------- Since we need at least the proper acrn kernel module providing the services needed, building the appropriate ACRN enabled kernel for the target’s service vm is required. Recommendation: Using a docker container to build the kernel keeps your development host clean and avoids polluting it with any additional packages. Nevertheless, if you are brave, you can do the following stuff on your development host directly! - Prepare working directory on the dev host: :: me@dev-host:~$ mkdir -p ~/acrn-work me@dev-host:~$ cd ~/acrn-work - Shallow clone the latest acrn-kernel: :: me@dev-host:~/acrn-work$ git clone -b master --depth 1 https://github.com/projectacrn/acrn-kernel.git - Now, optionally fire up the build container and mount the work directory: :: me@dev-host:~/acrn-work$ docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/acrn-work debian:bullseye-slim - Make sure you have the kernel build requirements installed: :: root@9af58fa7aeb2:/# apt-get update root@9af58fa7aeb2:/# apt-get install -y libssl-dev build-essential bison flex dwarves kernel-wedge bc rsync kmod cpio git libelf-dev lz4 libncurses-dev - Prepare the kernel config: I add FB support here to be able to use Linux virtual consoles ;-) :: root@9af58fa7aeb2:/# cd /acrn-work/acrn-kernel root@9af58fa7aeb2:/acrn-work/acrn-kernel# cp kernel_config_service_vm .config root@9af58fa7aeb2:/acrn-work/acrn-kernel# echo "CONFIG_FB=y" >> .config root@9af58fa7aeb2:/acrn-work/acrn-kernel# echo "CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE=y" >> .config root@9af58fa7aeb2:/acrn-work/acrn-kernel# echo "CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE_DETECT_PRIMARY=y" >> .config root@9af58fa7aeb2:/acrn-work/acrn-kernel# make olddefconfig - Compile the kernel; this takes a while, maybe good time for a coffee break? :: root@9af58fa7aeb2:/acrn-work/acrn-kernel# make -j $(nproc) deb-pkg The resulting kernel packages are located in ``/acrn-work`` or ``~/acrn-work`` on the development host, respectively. - Exit the helper container and copy the new kernel package to the target: :: root@9af58fa7aeb2:/acrn-work/acrn-kernel# exit me@dev-host:~/acrn-work$ scp ~/acrn-work/linux-image-*-acrn-service-vm_*.deb root@target:/apt/ - I recommend installing the new kernel immediately and reboot the target although we have not yet deployed any ACRN packages. This ensures/verifies you can go back to a non-acrn boot easily if something fails: :: root@target:~# apt update -y root@target:~# apt install -y /apt/linux-image-*-acrn-service-vm_*.deb root@target:~# reboot - On target distributions with a newer default kernel than 5.10 (e.g.Ubuntu Jammy, Debian Sid) you have to choose the ACRN kernel manually in grub menu, since always the newest kernel version is selected as default: - Choose ``Advanced options <..>`` first, then select the new ACRN kernel: :: GNU GRUB version 2.06 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ubuntu, with Linux 5.15.0-27-generic | | Ubuntu, with Linux 5.15.0-27-generic (recovery mode) | |*Ubuntu, with Linux 5.10.106-acrn-service-vm | | Ubuntu, with Linux 5.10.106-acrn-service-vm (recovery mode) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the selected OS, `e' to edit the commands before booting or `c' for a command-line. ESC to return previous menu. - Verify the correct kernel has been booted: :: root@target:~# uname -a Linux target 5.10.106-acrn-service-vm #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon May 2 15:54:32 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux - **IMPORTANT** (for all distributions with newer kernel, i.e. >=5.12): Linux kernel versions since 5.12 officially contain the ACRN Hypervisor Service Module and are detected as *ACRN capable* if the module is enabled. Nevertheless, the version of ACRN HSM provided in upstream kernels is not (yet) compatible with ACRN 3.0 and thus will fail! Please remove the distribution’s original kernel (5.15 in case of Ubuntu jammy) to avoid any issues when booting such a kernel with ACRN 3.x: - Find out the exact version of the original image: :: root@target:~# dpkg -l 'linux-image*' Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) ||/ Name Version Architecture Description +++-======================================-==========================-============-=======================================> un linux-image (no description available) ii linux-image-5.10.106-acrn-service-vm 5.10.106-acrn-service-vm-1 amd64 Linux kernel, version 5.10.106-acrn-ser> ii linux-image-5.15.0-27-generic 5.15.0-27.28 amd64 Signed kernel image generic ii linux-image-generic amd64 Generic Linux kernel image un linux-image-unsigned-5.15.0-27-generic (no description available) - E.g., we find ``5.15.0-27-generic`` here, so purge all respective packages (image, modules, …): :: root@target:~# apt purge '*5.15.0-27-generic*' - Verify there is only the acrn-kernel installed now: :: root@target:~# dpkg -l 'linux-image*' Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) ||/ Name Version Architecture Description +++-====================================-==========================-============-=========================================> ii linux-image-5.10.106-acrn-service-vm 5.10.106-acrn-service-vm-1 amd64 Linux kernel, version 5.10.106-acrn-servi> - Remark: Removing the distribution’s default kernel is not required whenever the ACRN kernel is detected as the most recent kernel! Build & Deploy ACRN Debian Packages ----------------------------------- - Clone acrn-hypervisor (with debian packaging commits included, once the changes are merged) :: me@dev-host:~/acrn-work$ git clone -b master --depth 1 https://github.com/projectacrn/acrn-hypervisor.git me@dev-host:~/acrn-work$ cd acrn-hypervisor - Build the ACRN Debian packages (for Ubuntu jammy in this example) :: me@dev-host:~/acrn-work/acrn-hypervisor$ rm -rf build/jammy DISTRO=jammy VENDOR=ubuntu debian/docker/acrn-docker-build.sh --git-ignore-branch The ACRN Debian/Ubuntu packages are then located in ~/acrn-work/acrn-hypervisor/build/jammy - Copy these packages to the target: :: me@dev-host:~/acrn-work/acrn-hypervisor$ scp build/jammy/* root@target:/apt/ - On target add the local apt repository and update the repository cache: :: root@target:~# echo "deb [trusted=yes] file:/apt ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/acrn-local.list root@target:~# echo "deb-src [trusted=yes] file:/apt ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/acrn-local.list root@target:~# apt update -y - Install ACRN and optionally its tools (for debugging and tracing purposes). **Always select the correct board and scenario!** I recommend to start with the ``shared`` scenario. :: root@target:~# DEBIAN_FRONTEND=readline apt install -y acrn-system acrn-tools < .. skipped .. > Configuring acrn-hypervisor --------------------------- Define the board ACRN will be running on. Selecting the wrong board might render your board unusable! 1. cfl-k700-i7 2. kontron-COMe-mAL10 3. nuc11tnbi5 4. nuc7i7dnh 5. simatic-ipc227g 6. tgl-vecow-spc-7100-Corei7 7. whl-ipc-i5 ACRN hypervisor board selection 7 Define the appropriate VM configuration (aka scenario) for the ACRN hypervisor. 1. partitioned 2. shared 3. hybrid 4. hybrid_rt ACRN hypervisor scenario selection 2 < .. skipped .. > root@target:~# reboot - ACRN should boot the service VM flawlessly! Verify ACRN started properly: :: root@target:~# dmesg | grep Hypervisor [ 0.000000] Hypervisor detected: ACRN root@target:~# systemctl status acrnd acrn-lifemngr ● acrnd.service - ACRN manager daemon Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/acrnd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-05-06 10:20:29 UTC; 2min 48s ago Main PID: 570 (acrnd) Tasks: 3 (limit: 36031) Memory: 436.0K CPU: 932ms CGroup: /system.slice/acrnd.service └─570 /usr/bin/acrnd -t May 06 10:20:29 target systemd[1]: Started ACRN manager daemon. ● acrn-lifemngr.service - ACRN lifemngr daemon Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/acrn-lifemngr.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-05-06 10:20:29 UTC; 2min 48s ago Main PID: 568 (acrn-lifemngr) Tasks: 17 (limit: 36031) Memory: 1.1M CPU: 1.167s CGroup: /system.slice/acrn-lifemngr.service └─568 /usr/bin/acrn-lifemngr May 06 10:20:29 target systemd[1]: Started ACRN lifemngr daemon. - Remarks: - ``acrn-tools`` provides additional services: ``acrnlog``, ``acrnprobe`` and ``usercrash``. ``acrnlog`` is only started successfully if you specified a respective ``hvlog`` setting in the ``bootargs`` of your scenario which then are added the kernel’s parameters in the grub configuration. This is not the case in this example (``whl-ipc-i5:shared``). - To start a VM, the respective launch scripts are also provided in ``/usr/share/acrn/launch-scripts//``. Just provide your VM image (e.g. YaaG.img) and use the respective script! - There is no networking bridge (acrn-br0) created automatically during install, since this heavily depends on the network tools used for the respective target distribution (e.g. netplan) and/or the respective backend (NetworkManager, systemd-networkd, ..) and might break your network setup. So, if needed, please configure the required network items (e.g. acrn-br0) according to your system needs! ACRN Package Reconfiguration ---------------------------- To reconfigure the board/scenario settings use (here an example usable on a simple line terminal - ``DEBIAN_FRONTEND=readline``): :: root@target:~# DEBIAN_FRONTEND=readline dpkg-reconfigure acrn-hypervisor Configuring acrn-hypervisor --------------------------- Define the board ACRN will be running on. Selecting the wrong board might render your board unusable! 1. cfl-k700-i7 2. kontron-COMe-mAL10 3. nuc11tnbi5 4. nuc7i7dnh 5. simatic-ipc227g 6. tgl-vecow-spc-7100-Corei7 7. whl-ipc-i5 ACRN hypervisor board selection 7 Define the appropriate VM configuration (aka scenario) for the ACRN hypervisor. 1. partitioned 2. shared 3. hybrid 4. hybrid_rt ACRN hypervisor scenario selection 2 **Remember: Always choose the appropriate board/scenario!** ACRN Removal ------------ If you want to remove ACRN from your system completely, use: :: root@target:~# apt purge -y acrn-system acrn-tools; apt autoremove --purge Remember: The system still uses the ACRN specific kernel, so you eventually have to re-install the distribution’s default kernel, reboot and then remove the ACRN kernel: Here for the Ubuntu example: :: root@target:~# apt install linux-image-generic root@target:~# reboot Choose the new kernel in grub menu, again via ``Advanced options <..>``): :: GNU GRUB version 2.06 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |*Ubuntu, with Linux 5.15.0-27-generic | | Ubuntu, with Linux 5.15.0-27-generic (recovery mode) | | Ubuntu, with Linux 5.10.106-acrn-service-vm | | Ubuntu, with Linux 5.10.106-acrn-service-vm (recovery mode) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted. Press enter to boot the selected OS, `e' to edit the commands before booting or `c' for a command-line. ESC to return previous menu. Finally remove the unused acrn-kernel: :: root@target:~# apt purge linux-image-*-acrn-service-vm This completes removing ACRN from your system. -- Helmut Buchsbaum Sat, 06 May 2022 18:21:44 +0200