.. _acrn_doc: ACRN documentation generation ############################# These instructions will walk you through generating the Project ACRN's documentation and publishing it to https://projectacrn.github.io. You can also use these instructions to generate the ACRN documentation on your local system. Documentation overview ********************** Project ACRN content is written using the reStructuredText markup language (.rst file extension) with Sphinx extensions, and processed using Sphinx to create a formatted stand-alone website. Developers can view this content either in its raw form as .rst markup files, or you can generate the HTML content and view it with a web browser directly on your workstation. You can read details about `reStructuredText`_, and `Sphinx`_ from their respective websites. The project's documentation contains the following items: * ReStructuredText source files used to generate documentation found at the http://projectacrn.github.io website. All of the reStructuredText sources are found in the acrn-hypervisor/doc folder, or pulled in from sibling folders (such as /misc/) by the build scripts. * Doxygen-generated material used to create all API-specific documents found at http://projectacrn.github.io/latest/api/. The doc build process uses doxygen to scan source files in the hypervisor and device-model folders, and from sources in the acrn-kernel repo (as explained later). The reStructuredText files are processed by the Sphinx documentation system, and make use of the breathe extension for including the doxygen-generated API material. Set up the documentation working folders **************************************** You'll need git installed to get the working folders set up: * For an Ubuntu development system use: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install git * For a Fedora development system use .. code-block:: bash sudo dnf install git We use the source header files to generate API docs and we use github.io for publishing the generated documentation. Here's the recommended folder setup for documentation contributions and generation: .. code-block: none projectacrn/ acrn-hypervisor/ devicemodel/ doc/ hypervisor/ acrn-kernel/ The parent projectacrn folder is there because we'll also be creating a publishing area later in these steps. For API doc generation, we'll also need the acrn-kernel repo contents in a sibling folder to the acrn-hypervisor repo contents. It's best if the acrn-hypervisor folder is an ssh clone of your personal fork of the upstream project repos (though https clones work too): #. Use your browser to visit https://github.com/projectacrn and do a fork of the **acrn-hypervisor** repo to your personal GitHub account.) .. image:: images/acrn-doc-fork.png :align: center #. At a command prompt, create the working folder and clone the acrn-hypervisor repository to your local computer (and if you have publishing rights, the projectacrn.github.io repo). If you don't have publishing rights you'll still be able to generate the docs locally, but not publish them: .. code-block:: bash cd ~ mkdir projectacrn && cd projectacrn git clone git@github.com:/projectacrn/acrn-hypervisor.git #. For the cloned local repos, tell git about the upstream repo: .. code-block:: bash cd acrn-hypervisor git remote add upstream git@github.com:projectacrn/acrn-hypervisor.git #. For API doc generation we'll also need the acrn-kernel repo available locally: .. code-block:: bash cd .. git clone git@github.com:projectacrn/acrn-kernel.git .. note:: We assume for doc generation that ``origin`` is pointed to the upstream repo. If you're a developer and have the acrn-kernel repo already set up as a sibling folder to the acrn-hypervisor, you can skip this clone step. #. If you haven't done so already, be sure to configure git with your name and email address for the ``signed-off-by`` line in your commit messages: .. code-block:: bash git config --global user.name "David Developer" git config --global user.email "david.developer@company.com" Installing the documentation tools ********************************** Our documentation processing has been tested to run with: * Python 3.6.3 * Doxygen version 1.8.13 * Sphinx version 1.7.7 * Breathe version 4.9.1 * docutils version 0.14 * sphinx_rtd_theme version 0.4.0 Depending on your Linux version, install the needed tools: * For Clear Linux OS: follow the :ref:`kbl-nuc-sdc` to install all the tools required * For Ubuntu use: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install doxygen python3-pip \ python3-wheel make graphviz * For Fedora use: .. code-block:: bash sudo dnf install doxygen python3-pip python3-wheel make graphviz And for any of these Linux environments, install the remaining python-based tools: .. code-block:: bash cd ~/projectacrn/acrn-hypervisor/doc pip3 install --user -r scripts/requirements.txt Add ``$HOME/.local/bin`` to the front of your ``PATH`` so the system will find expected versions of python utilities such as ``sphinx-build`` and ``breathe``: .. code-block:: bash printf "\nexport PATH=\$HOME/.local/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc .. note:: You will need to open a new terminal for this change to be effective. Adding this to your ``~/.bashrc`` file ensures it is set by default. And with that you're ready to generate the documentation. .. note:: We've provided a script you can run to show what versions of the doc building tools you have installed :: doc/scripts/show-versions.py Documentation presentation theme ******************************** Sphinx supports easy customization of the generated documentation appearance through the use of themes. Replace the theme files and do another ``make html`` and the output layout and style is changed. The sphinx build system creates document cache information that attempts to expedite doc rebuilds, but occasionally can cause an unexpected error or warning to be generated. Doing a ``make clean`` to create a clean doc generation and a ``make html`` again generally cleans this up. The ``read-the-docs`` theme is installed as part of the ``requirements.txt`` list above. Tweaks to the standard ``read-the-docs`` look and feel are added by using CSS and JavaScript customization found in ``doc/static``, and theme template overrides found in ``doc/_templates``. Running the documentation processors ************************************ The acrn-hypervisor/doc directory has all the .rst source files, extra tools, and Makefile for generating a local copy of the ACRN technical documentation. For generating all the API documentation, there is a dependency on having the ``acrn-kernel`` repo's contents available too (as described previously). You'll get a sphinx warning if that repo is not set up as described, but you can be ignore that warning if you're not planning to publish. .. code-block:: bash cd ~/projectacrn/acrn-hypervisor/doc make html Depending on your development system, it will take about 15 seconds to collect and generate the HTML content. When done, you can view the HTML output with your browser started at ``~/projectacrn/acrn-hypervisor/doc/_build/html/index.html``. You can also ``cd`` to the ``doc/_build/html`` folder and run a local web server with the command: .. code-block:: bash python3 -m http.server and use your web browser to open the URL: ``http://localhost:8000``. Publishing content ****************** If you have merge rights to the projectacrn repo called projectacrn.github.io, you can update the public project documentation found at https://projectacrn.github.io. You'll need to do a one-time clone of the upstream repo (we publish directly to the upstream repo rather than to a personal forked copy): .. code-block:: bash cd ~/projectacrn git clone git@github.com:projectacrn/projectacrn.github.io.git Then, after you've verified the generated HTML from ``make html`` looks good, you can push directly to the publishing site with: .. code-block:: bash make publish This will delete everything in the publishing repo's **latest** folder (in case the new version has deleted files) and push a copy of the newly-generated HTML content directly to the GitHub pages publishing repo. The public site at https://projectacrn.github.io will be updated (nearly) immediately so it's best to verify the locally generated html before publishing. Document Versioning ******************* The https://projectacrn.github.io site has a document version selector at the bottom of the left nav panel. The contents of this version selector are defined in the ``conf.py`` sphinx configuration file, specifically: .. code-block:: python html_context = { 'current_version': current_version, 'versions': ( ("latest", "/latest/"), ("0.2", "/0.2/"), ("0.1", "/0.1/"), ) } As new versions of documentation are added, this ``versions`` selection list should be updated to include the version number and publishing folder. Note that there's no direct selection to go to a newer version from an older one, without going to ``latest`` first. By default, doc build and publishing assumes we're generating documentation for the master branch and publishing to the ``/latest/`` area on https://projectacrn.github.io. When we're generating the documentation for a tagged version (e.g., 0.2), check out that version of the repo, and add some extra flags to the make commands: .. code-block:: bash cd ~/projectacrn/acrn-hypervisor/doc git checkout v0.2 make clean make DOC_TAG=release RELEASE=0.2 html make DOC_TAG=release RELEASE=0.2 publish Filtering expected warnings *************************** Alas, there are some known issues with the doxygen/Sphinx/Breathe processing that generates warnings for some constructs, in particular around unnamed structures in nested unions or structs. While these issues are being considered for fixing in Sphinx/Breathe, we've added a post-processing filter on the output of the documentation build process to check for "expected" messages from the generation process output. The output from the Sphinx build is processed by the python script ``scripts/filter-known-issues.py`` together with a set of filter configuration files in the ``.known-issues/doc`` folder. (This filtering is done as part of the ``Makefile``.) If you're contributing components included in the ACRN API documentation and run across these warnings, you can include filtering them out as "expected" warnings by adding or editing a conf file in the ``.known-issues/doc`` folder, following the example of other conf files found there. .. _reStructuredText: http://sphinx-doc.org/rest.html .. _Sphinx: http://sphinx-doc.org/