/* * Project Acrn * Acrn-dm: pm-vuart * * Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Intel Corporation. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * */ /* vuart can be used communication between Service VM and User VM, here it is used as power manager control. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vmmapi.h" #include "monitor.h" #include "pty_vuart.h" #include "log.h" #define SHUTDOWN_CMD "shutdown" #define CMD_LEN 16 #define MAX_NODE_PATH 128 #define SERVICE_VM_SOCKET_PORT 0x2000 static const char * const node_name[] = { "pty", "tty", }; enum node_type_t { PTY_NODE, TTY_NODE, MAX_NODE_CNT, }; static bool allow_trigger_s5; static uint8_t node_index = MAX_NODE_CNT; static char node_path[MAX_NODE_PATH]; static int node_fd = -1; static int socket_fd = -1; static pthread_t pm_monitor_thread; static pthread_mutex_t pm_vuart_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static int vm_stop_handler(void *arg); static struct monitor_vm_ops vm_ops = { .stop = vm_stop_handler, }; /* it read from vuart, and if end is '\0' or '\n' or len = buff-len it will return */ static bool read_bytes(int fd, uint8_t *buffer, int buf_len, int *count, bool *eof) { bool ready = false; int rc = -1; if (buf_len <= (*count)) { *count = buf_len; ready = true; goto out; } do { rc = read(fd, buffer + (*count), buf_len - (*count)); if (rc > 0) { *count += rc; if ((buffer[*count - 1] == '\0') || (buffer[*count - 1] == '\n') || (*count == buf_len)) ready = true; } } while (rc > 0 && !ready); out: *eof = (rc == 0); return ready; } static int pm_setup_socket(void) { struct sockaddr_in socket_addr; socket_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (socket_fd == -1) { pr_err("create a socket endpoint error\n"); return -1; } memset(&socket_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); socket_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; socket_addr.sin_port = htons(SERVICE_VM_SOCKET_PORT); socket_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); if (connect(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&socket_addr, sizeof(socket_addr)) == -1) { pr_err("initiate a connection on a socket error\n"); close(socket_fd); socket_fd = -1; return -1; } return 0; } static void *pm_monitor_loop(void *arg) { int rc; bool eof; char buf_node[CMD_LEN+1], buf_socket[CMD_LEN+1]; int max_fd, count_node = 0, count_socket = 0; fd_set read_fd; buf_node[CMD_LEN] = buf_socket[CMD_LEN] = '\0'; max_fd = (socket_fd > node_fd) ? (socket_fd + 1) : (node_fd + 1); while (1) { FD_ZERO(&read_fd); FD_SET(socket_fd, &read_fd); FD_SET(node_fd, &read_fd); rc = select(max_fd, &read_fd, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(node_fd, &read_fd)) { if (read_bytes(node_fd, (uint8_t *)buf_node, CMD_LEN, &count_node, &eof)) { pr_info("Received msg[%s] from User VM, count=%d\r\n", buf_node, count_node); rc = write(socket_fd, buf_node, count_node); if (rc != count_node) { pr_err("%s:%u: write error ret_val = %d\r\n", __func__, __LINE__, rc); break; } count_node = 0; } } if (FD_ISSET(socket_fd, &read_fd)) { if (read_bytes(socket_fd, (uint8_t *)buf_socket, CMD_LEN, &count_socket, &eof)) { pr_info("Received msg[%s] from life_mngr on Service VM, count=%d\r\n", buf_socket, count_socket); pthread_mutex_lock(&pm_vuart_lock); rc = write(node_fd, buf_socket, count_socket); pthread_mutex_unlock(&pm_vuart_lock); if (rc != count_socket) { pr_err("%s:%u: write error ret_val = %d\r\n", __func__, __LINE__, rc); break; } count_socket = 0; } else if (eof) { pr_err("socket connection to life-cycle manager closed\n"); break; } } } } /* power off this VM if we get here */ raise(SIGHUP); /* cleanup will be done in pm_by_vuart_deinit() */ return NULL; } static int start_pm_monitor_thread(void) { int ret; if (pm_setup_socket()) { pr_err("create socket to connect life-cycle manager failed\n"); return -1; } if ((ret = pthread_create(&pm_monitor_thread, NULL, pm_monitor_loop, NULL))) { pr_err("%s: pthread_create error: %s\n", __func__, strerror(ret)); close(socket_fd); socket_fd = -1; return -1; } pthread_setname_np(pm_monitor_thread, "pm_monitor"); return 0; } /* * --pm_vuart configuration is in the following 2 forms: * A: pty-link, like: pty,/run/acrn/vuart-vm1, (also set it in -l com2,/run/acrn/vuart-vm1) * the Service VM and User VM will communicate by: (Service VM):pty-link-node <--> (Service VM):com2 <--> (User VM): /dev/ttyS1 * B: tty-node, like: tty,/dev/ttyS1, (Service VM) and (User VM) communicate by: (Service VM):ttyS1 <--> HV <-->(User VM):ttySn */ int parse_pm_by_vuart(const char *opts) { int i, error = -1; char *str, *cpy, *type; str = cpy = strdup(opts); if (!str) { pr_err("Function strdup return %d in %s line %d!\n", errno, __func__, __LINE__); return error; } type = strsep(&str, ","); if (type != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_NODE_CNT; i++) { if (strcasecmp(type, node_name[i]) == 0) { node_index = i; error = 0; break; } } } pr_dbg("pm by vuart node-index = %d\n", node_index); strncpy(node_path, str, MAX_NODE_PATH - 1); free(cpy); return error; } static int set_tty_attr(int fd, int speed) { struct termios tty; if (tcgetattr(fd, &tty) < 0) { pr_err("error from tcgetattr\n"); return -1; } cfsetospeed(&tty, (speed_t)speed); cfsetispeed(&tty, (speed_t)speed); /* set input-mode */ tty.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | PARMRK | ISTRIP | INLCR | IGNCR | ICRNL | IXON); /* set output-mode */ tty.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; /* set control-mode */ tty.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD | CS8); tty.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB | CSTOPB | CRTSCTS); /* set local-mode */ tty.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN); /* block until one char read, set next char's timeout */ tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 1; tcflush(fd, TCIOFLUSH); if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &tty) != 0) { pr_err("error from tcsetattr\n"); return -1; } return 0; } int pm_by_vuart_init(struct vmctx *ctx, bool trigger_s5) { assert(node_index < MAX_NODE_CNT); allow_trigger_s5 = trigger_s5; pr_info("%s: allow_trigger_s5: %u, idx: %u, path: %s\r\n", __func__, trigger_s5, node_index, node_path); if (node_index == PTY_NODE) node_fd = pty_open_virtual_uart(node_path); else if (node_index == TTY_NODE) node_fd = open(node_path, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK); if (node_fd >= 0) { if (node_index == TTY_NODE) set_tty_attr(node_fd, B115200); if (monitor_register_vm_ops(&vm_ops, ctx, "pm-vuart") < 0) { pr_err("%s: pm-vuart register to VM monitor failed\n", node_path); close(node_fd); node_fd = -1; return -1; } } else { pr_err("%s open failed, fd=%d\n", node_path, node_fd); return -1; } if (trigger_s5 && start_pm_monitor_thread()) { close(node_fd); node_fd = -1; return -1; } return 0; } void pm_by_vuart_deinit(struct vmctx *ctx) { if (allow_trigger_s5) { pthread_cancel(pm_monitor_thread); pthread_join(pm_monitor_thread, NULL); close(socket_fd); socket_fd = -1; } close(node_fd); node_fd = -1; } /* called when acrn-dm receive stop command */ static int vm_stop_handler(void *arg) { int ret; pr_info("pm-vuart stop handler called: node-index=%d\n", node_index); assert(node_index < MAX_NODE_CNT); if (node_fd <= 0) { pr_err("no vuart node opened!\n"); return -1; } pthread_mutex_lock(&pm_vuart_lock); ret = write(node_fd, SHUTDOWN_CMD, sizeof(SHUTDOWN_CMD)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&pm_vuart_lock); if (ret != sizeof(SHUTDOWN_CMD)) { /* no need to resend shutdown here, will resend in pm_monitor thread */ pr_err("send shutdown command to User VM failed\r\n"); } return 0; }