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acrntrace: is a tool running on SOS, to capture trace data.
scripts directory includes scripts to analyze the trace data.
Capture trace data on SOS
1) Launch acrntrace
Capture buffered trace data:
# acrntrace
or clear buffer before tracing start:
# acrntrace -c
Trace files are created under /tmp/acrntrace/, directory name with time
string eg: 20171115-101605
2) To stop acrntrace
# q <enter>
3) Copy the trace data to linux pc
# scp -r /tmp/acrntrace/20171115-101605/ xxx@
Analyze the trace data on Linux PC
1) Run the python script to analyze the vm_exits:
# acrnalyze.py -i /home/xxxx/trace_data/20171115-101605/0 -o /home/xxxx/trac
e_data/20171115-101605/cpu0 --vm_exit
- "--vm_exit" specify the analysis to do, currently, only vm_exit analysis
is supported.
- A preprocess would be taken out to make the trace data start and end with
an VM_ENTER, and a copy of original data file is saved with suffix ".orig";
- Analysis report would be given on the std output and in a csv file with
name specified via "-o outpu_file";
Script usage:
[Usage] acrnalyze.py [options] [value] ...
-h: print this message
-i, --ifile=[string]: input file
-o, --ofile=[string]: output file
--vm_exit: to generate vm_exit report
The scripts require bash and python2.
# make