
127 lines
3.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', 'library'))
import board_cfg_lib
import board_c
import pci_devices_h
import acpi_platform_h
import misc_cfg_h
import common
ACRN_CONFIG_DEF = ACRN_PATH + "hypervisor/arch/x86/configs/"
ACRN_DEFAULT_ACPI = ACRN_PATH + "hypervisor/include/arch/x86/default_acpi_info.h"
GEN_FILE = ["pci_devices.h", "board.c", "_acpi_info.h", "misc_cfg.h", ".config"]
def main(args):
This is main function to start generate source code related with board
:param args: it is a command line args for the script
err_dic = {}
(err_dic, params) = common.get_param(args)
if err_dic:
return err_dic
# check env
err_dic = common.prepare()
if err_dic:
return err_dic
common.BOARD_INFO_FILE = params['--board']
common.SCENARIO_INFO_FILE = params['--scenario']
if common.VM_COUNT > common.MAX_VM_NUM:
err_dic['vm count'] = "The vm count in config xml should be less or equal {}!".format(common.MAX_VM_NUM)
return err_dic
# check if this is the scenario config which matched board info
# get board name
(err_dic, board) = common.get_board_name()
if err_dic:
return err_dic
board_cfg_lib.BOARD_NAME = board
# check if this is the scenario config which matched board info
(err_dic, status) = common.is_config_file_match()
if not status:
err_dic['board config: Not match'] = "The board xml and scenario xml should be matched"
return err_dic
if params['--out']:
if os.path.isabs(params['--out']):
board_dir = os.path.join(params['--out'], board + '/')
config_board_kconfig = os.path.join(board_dir, GEN_FILE[4])
board_dir = os.path.join(ACRN_PATH + params['--out'], board + '/')
config_board_kconfig = os.path.join(board_dir, GEN_FILE[4])
board_dir = os.path.join(ACRN_CONFIG_DEF, board + '/')
config_board_kconfig = os.path.join(board_dir, GEN_FILE[4])
config_pci = board_dir + GEN_FILE[0]
config_board = board_dir + GEN_FILE[1]
config_acpi = board_dir + board + GEN_FILE[2]
config_misc_cfg = board_dir + GEN_FILE[3]
# generate board.c
with open(config_board, 'w+') as config:
err_dic = board_c.generate_file(config)
if err_dic:
return err_dic
# generate pci_devices.h
with open(config_pci, 'w+') as config:
# generate ($board)_acpi_info.h
with open(config_acpi, 'w+') as config:
acpi_platform_h.generate_file(config, ACRN_DEFAULT_ACPI)
# generate misc_cfg.h
with open(config_misc_cfg, 'w+') as config:
err_dic = misc_cfg_h.generate_file(config)
if err_dic:
return err_dic
if not err_dic:
print("Board configurations for {} is generated successfully.".format(board))
print("Board configurations for {} is generated failed.".format(board))
return err_dic
def ui_entry_api(board_info, scenario_info, out=''):
arg_list = ['', '--board', board_info, '--scenario', scenario_info, '--out', out]
err_dic = common.prepare()
if err_dic:
return err_dic
err_dic = main(arg_list)
return err_dic
if __name__ == '__main__':
ARGS = sys.argv
err_dic = main(ARGS)
if err_dic:
for err_k, err_v in err_dic.items():
common.print_red("{}: {}".format(err_k, err_v), err=True)